Narrated battles are understood as causes and consequences. What would miniatures do? Highlighting history as vignettes and isolated scenarioas, they invite us to contemplate the gaps in between. 戰爭化為敘事往往強調了因果關係,手造的微型模型則更像小插畫,其真實性存活於小節和細工裡。
Space-action-interpretation. Cluster-distribution. Network-dispersion. Three locales. Distanced intimacy. Past is the present. FPC member Winsome Wong’s first solo at the Floating Projects. 以空間實作為演繹。簇的分配成為延散的網路。三種實地,遙遠的扣緊。從前就在當下。「據點。句點」成員黃慧心首度據點打開門。
A box confines and segregates, but it also eliminates noise and allows beams of light to focus for multiplicity. Linda Lai’s quarantine diaries #4. 隔離不一定是隔絕。黎肖嫻的隔離箱子裡瀰漫著歷史的傷痕,或是眾說紛紜,箱子聚的光可化成多焦點的行動設定。「隔離手記」四。
Sofya Antonova continues Flynn Hadre’s discovery of individual perspectives to introduce personal stories told with intense photographic intervention. 有些作品值得看,就因為它是作者的個人經歷和生活的過程。繼 Flynn Hadre 的介紹,Sofya Antonova 察看到攝影和活動影像語言的震撼力;聲影不單說故事,更開創了個人經驗。
Photography is an event that honors relationship, an event whereby techniques, concepts and sentiments come together. This exhibition exploring portraiture will mark the end of a phase of artistic pursuit, says artist Andy Li. The show does assert technology’s impact on the materiality of imaging, which will be the artist’s next phase of endeavors. 這個展覽,多層次的彰顯了攝影(藝術)是關係的實踐,「人像」是理念情感技術心思的總體行動,攝影是藝術行動,並不為漂亮影像的生產或形式而存在。這個個展也是一個階段的句號。李新傑面向未來,希望繼續他對「影像的物質性」的好奇為研究性創作的核心,影像是開放的實驗結果,未可知的成果展示,由自創造影像的機器開始。(黎肖嫻,於「據點。句點」群體8月23日交流之後)
Ocean Emotion is Taipei-based young artist Allison H.‘s contribution to the Floating Teatime. Each of her poems about her everyday encounters will be matched with one image from her own personal photography archive. … “Little Sound” probes into living things in her kitchen… 2016.09.21
Photographer Vicky Do reviews “What Do You Want For Tomorrow” (2016.08.10-2016.09.26, HK Heritage Museum) curated by Wong Wo-bik and Stella Tang. She finds this 12-woman art event more than a photography show or one that tokenizes women.
Ocean Emotion #1: “Insomnia” / a string of poem-photo creation by Allison H.
Jolene Mok What to learn? What not to learn? We have to learn how to learn. What if we don’t want to learn but, still, we have to learn? Do we learn if we don’t want to learn?