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The Ventriloquists 15. Snow White and Monkey King 黑白白雪公主。奇幻七彩500年的孫悟空。

The Ventriloquists 15. Snow White and Monkey King 黑白白雪公主。奇幻七彩500年的孫悟空。

The pictogram method was applied to the reading and reconstructing of various commercial heats, including the pre-Disney 1933 animation classic on Snow White and Pandora’s Box featuring Stephen Chow, resulting in various works, three of them shown at the exhibition The Ventriloquists…Thinking Narratively (4-19 July 2020) at Floating Projects. 《腹語系:微敘思考》展場中,有三個圖形轉化的作品,選擇了兩個商業收益叫好的作品 — 迪士尼《白雪公主》面世前,費里沙創作的黑白動畫,還有周星馳的《西遊記之月光寶盒》。

Floating Projects Collective 2025