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The Ventriloquists 17. Narrative pictograms for 2 animation pictures: Use Instructions, The Streets 動畫敘事掩眼法。兩個例子。

The Ventriloquists 17. Narrative pictograms for 2 animation pictures: Use Instructions, The Streets 動畫敘事掩眼法。兩個例子。

Caroline Leaf’s The Street shows montage at work by abolishing the shot-to-shot editing system of continuity. Guido Manuli’s Use Instructions is a series of synecdoche through which we are dragged down to hell to the final destruction of Earth. Both animation pictures play with the 3-act structure dramatic conventions. Two narrative pictograms augment what is just beneath the surface of pleasing imaging. 動畫的敘事法花枝招展,起承轉合是借用觀眾熟識的架構安置觀眾,看真是掩眼法。《街道》以水彩的流動取締了傳統分鏡的敘事法,鏡頭接合的文法銷毀,蒙太奇的效果卻豐盈漲滿,記憶的行動成了一場戲。《用家指南》的舉寓令人捧腹大笑,狂笑後往未來看,是希望的滅絕,地球成了渣滓糞便,是誰開始的超級玩笑?

Floating Projects Collective 2025