Michael Leung / An Impossible Exhibition 駐場延伸:相遇於小誌締造可能性

Michael Leung / An Impossible Exhibition 駐場延伸:相遇於小誌締造可能性

Michael Leung 梁志剛

Michael Leung 梁志剛

發表於: 06 Mar 2021

Michael Leung’s “Publishing (to Find Each Other)” grows on-site through his month-long residency as he fills Floating Projects week by week with his 8-year collection and documented encounters. 駐場的一個月是片諾大的空間。梁志剛的小誌、社關活動和理念研究逐一冒現,把一個不可能的、長達八年的相遇與關係網絡的展陳、聚會變得可能。

*feature image: drawing by Michael Leung 主題圖片:梁志剛手繪

**Useful link to material exhibited []


Under such pre-existing conditions, I underestimated the amount of time needed to put together such an exhibition, with works spanning nine years. I had trouble finding InDesign files, and even ready-to-print PDFs on my portable hard drives, such as the Chinese Chess instruction leaflet that I made in 2013 and the www.tinyurl.com/publishingtfeocollection zine (which is fortunately archived at Asia Art Archive). For this reason, the exhibition is incomplete and will have new additions every few days.

I discussed this with Linda and we spoke about how this exhibition unintentionally turned into some sort of a residency. After all, one month is a long time…

on-line image, courtesy of artist Michael Leung


Here are a few works that I plan to add during March 三月份在據點現場逐步出現的記錄包括:

  • A new video using footage that I took during my fieldwork last year (see Collective Notes, 2020 | 「在地」系列). 一個新的錄像文章 — 去年春天在歐洲的訪遊實地研究期間的著述

  • Something to hang in the space. 一些移動的雕塑會出現在據點的上半空

  • A complete digital collection available online and on the eMac in the exhibition. 整理好的、可於據點場外或據點現場下載閱讀的數碼檔案。(請留意一部已過時的蘋果電腦。)

  • Some audiobooks, probably read in some places around Floating Projects such as in my friend’s studio on the sixth floor. 電子有聲讀物,據點現場,或JCCAC六樓友人的工作室裡

  • A new book with 30+ fictional stories. Perhaps a reading too. 一本即將誕生的書,30多頁的虛構故事,又或現場朗讀。

  • And a chess night! 找個特定的晚上,又或隨時隨心,齊來下棋!


Hope to see you this weekend. 希望週末與你相遇。

Stay as well as can be, 好好保重!

Michael, 5th March 2021 三月五日梁志剛


EVENT POST: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/events/zine-meeting-each-other/

WORKSHOP & MEETINGS: http://floatingprojectscollective.net/events/find-each-other-a-hybrid-showan-open-work/

Floating Projects Collective 2025