FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (5): Acting Out 實作

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (5): Acting Out 實作


發表於: 29 Jul 2022

Dory Cheng and John Chow updated their upcoming events at Documenta 15, as FP representatives, and as active agents of a new collective of collectives. (Floating Teatime editor)



Dory Cheng’s diversion to Amsterdam…

Dory Cheng will travel to Amsterdam for a couple of days with Hanna (Hysteria Art Lab, Amsterdam), one of the Batch 5 member she met in the collective school!

Cheng will do an art project together with Hanna and one more member of Hysteria art Lab. The plan is to make an art Zine on cultural urbanism in Semarang, Indonesia.

A live conversation in Amsterdam on 29 July 2022 will be augmented by live podcast (nongkrong), with four art collectives involved, to allow access from different parts of the world to share their experiences on collective practices. For details, see event post [] or poster on the left.






Presentation at Gudspace in preparation… sharing knowledge through learning and making


image from John Chow: “freshly printed Temujala zine about the Lumbung Love program” 2022.07.27

Collective presentation will take place on 6 August in Gudspace. Dory and John have started preparation with other Batch 6 members, such as sorting out a collective name and logo for the batch. Discussions were long and opinions diverse, but the naming exercise finally come down to Lumbung Love (LLC).

“In my personal view, we chose it because this is the name getting most members to agree. And we are experiencing the lumbung concept here,” Dory explains. **Lumbung is the Indonesian word for a barn where surplus harvest is stored for the benefit of the community.

The presentation and showcase on 6 August will include an installation for collective mapping. Labor work is ongoing such as sourcing physical material, and next week will focus on painting.

Batch 6 and Batch 5 together are making a Friskul zine. It would be in the form of a big poster with a timeline and the schedule of each day’s program, against which batch members will compare ideals with reality. This collaborative piece will be completed by August 16 to allow printing time.

Dory Cheng has volunteered two workshops of her own design as part of the show, *the Cyanotype Workshop* and *Leather Workshop,* at the same time helping out with other projects.

*Cyanotype Workshop*

Date: 5/8 or 6/8
Theme: how do you experience the “Lumbung” Value here?
Details: Using (around A4/A6 size) paper to cyanotype the things that you shared with others here. (Everyone prepares 1-3 things, it can be food, daily necessities, or any abstract stuff, etc.)
After that, we would showcase all the cyanotype collections at Gudskul Space.

*Leather Workshop*

The origin of the workshop, as Dory recounts…
“One day, I met a local guy from Kassel who is the boss of the leather company. We talked for a while and decided we wanted to make a leather workshop together. In the past few days, I have been trying to sew the leather but the leather is too thick for sewing. So, I am trying to get a real sewing machine. Let’s see how it goes.”


Stay tuned with the FP at Documenta 15 diaries. […]

More to come…

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