
Searching for tag: collective

FP Assemblage 2023 (2) Self-organization, Individuation, Synchronization... an Automatic Sequence 同步、個別化、自我組織。不假思索的序列。「據點聚疊」於亞洲藝術文庫。

FP Assemblage 2023 (2) Self-organization, Individuation, Synchronization... an Automatic Sequence 同步、個別化、自我組織。不假思索的序列。「據點聚疊」於亞洲藝術文庫。

The second of FP's 2-day intervention-insertion-installation-production performance at Asia Art Archive's new reading room concludes with a show window filled with “live” traces of FP players, friends and on-site visitors. … Another attempt to capture the rich diversities of the happenings, the author's attempt to preserve her own personal glimpses at least.

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (5): Acting Out 實作
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (4): “MAKE FRIENDS NOT ART!” 做藝術就是做朋友。
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (1) stepping in… 據點在卡塞爾文獻展2022

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (1) stepping in… 據點在卡塞爾文獻展2022

Floating Projects is taking part in Gudskul’s fifth year of Contemporary Art Collective and Ecosystem Studies, this time part of Documenta 15. FPC members John Chow and Dory Cheng participates in their 50-day co-living to gain first-hand understanding of lumbung practice, a sharing model.

Michael Leung 梁志剛 / 集體 The Collective (「在地」中譯 1)

Michael Leung 梁志剛 / 集體 The Collective (「在地」中譯 1)

Michael Leung’s “On Land” series is now readable in Chinese translation. 集。群。體。正因為個別的不同,個人自主受到尊重,所以,能一起前進,共負一軛,沿途照應,你是我的地圖,我是你的另一張地圖。每個人都各自是一個索引目錄。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 04: Intergalactic Thinking 「在地」四:系際思維

Michael Leung / ON LAND 04: Intergalactic Thinking 「在地」四:系際思維

Michael Leung shuttles between empirical planes, intellectual horizons and concrete dwellings of diverged spatio-temporal orderings… to assert research that is multi-species, and art that is energy that runs through all realms of living. 「萬物」在梁志剛的漂流路上漸成一張網,少數邊緣的、系統與系統之間的、跨族類的都可以平放或結連。思路無邊,在無政府主義狀態到專制主義運作之間,香港的形影浮現。學術研究如何實踐系際思維?

Michael Leung / ON LAND 02: The Collective「在地」二:集體、群體

Michael Leung / ON LAND 02: The Collective「在地」二:集體、群體

The individuals of a collective do things together, despite their differences. “Each person is a walking directory…” 集。群。體。正因為個別的不同,個人自主受到尊重,所以,能一起前進,共負一軛,沿途照應,你是我的地圖,我是你的另一張地圖。每個人都各自是一個索引目錄。

Floating Projects Collective 2025