**feature image: Tales we Tell at Kai Fong Pai Dong, 28 February 2020. Photograph by Nanxi Liu.
Publishing (to Find Each Other)
Video 3: 我們相遇之處 Where We Meet, March 2017
The political impotence we have here diagnosed is neither a disease to be eradicated nor a state of things that disqualifies us ethically. It points to our present obligation to always act upon an action, to always face the power relations that pass through bodies, rather than orientating our becoming and creating liveable spaces.
— Claire Fontaine, Human Strike and the Art of Creating Freedom
I forgot the last time when we opened 街坊排檔 Kai Fong Pai Dong — a neighbourhood street market stall in Yau Ma Tei—together. Was it on 22 November 2019 during the 17th Hong Kong Social Movement Film Festival—that night when a helicopter hovered over our post-film discussion and the black flag was raised nearby on Nathan Road? I remember we looked east, passed the three blocks, and then continued chatting late into the night.
Or was it 四圍講古 Tales we Tell, the storytelling night that happened on the last Friday of every month? I was in Europe but a friend brought drinks to share with that convivial group—that always shares, cries and laughs together—for several years, since the Woofer Ten days.
Showing 《我們相遇之處》 Where We Meet on the old Floating Projects television brings a smile to my face. Setting up I chuckled to myself, remembering how heavy these televisions once seemed, when I was probably 10 years old, rearranging my room and reconnecting my Sega Mega Drive. I must’ve spent so many hours watching those flickering screens, and now there are four in the exhibition.

Where We Meet 《我們相遇之處》was shot in fragments between November 2015 and March 2017. It takes the viewer through one day at Kai Fong Pai Dong but, really, it is an assemblage of many happenings, interactions, interventions and neighbourhood relations compiled together. Similar to Flyingpig’s illustration, the video is a dream scenario that could’ve happened (if 2019 turned out otherwise). In some ways, we, friends and nearby shops did already practice an emancipatory politics, from Mango King and his farming practice in public space to the mutual aid that weaved us all together — from cardboard collectors to the farmers in the Northeast New Territories.
Politics and the pandemic persist, and we have now occupied ourselves in different places and with communities elsewhere. We still plan to have a meeting soon, but maybe I’m just too optimistic. Either way I hope this short video is contagious in some ways, inspiring convivial encounters wherever you may be.
23rd March 2019, @sap9hou
2021.03.20 Tokyo Doughnut, Audiobook read by Michael Leung 東京甜甜圈
2021.03.16 Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)
2021.03.13 Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索
2021.03.09 Michael Leung / “Bishan Village May 2015” on site 五月碧山村(駐場錄像四之一
2021.03.06 Michael Leung / An Impossible Exhibition 駐場延伸:相遇於小誌締造可能性