街坊排檔 Kai Fong Pai Dong, a neighbourhood street market stall in Yau Ma Tei, emerged around November 2019 during the 17th Hong Kong Social Movement Film Festival. It was a place where once a helicopter hovered over a post-film discussion, members of the community told stories to each other, mutual help enacted via public-space farming… It is an assemblage of site-specific emancipatory politics.
In the second of a series of field notes as short essays, Linda Lai continues to craft possible histories of Hong Kong’s everyday interiority through the lens of “intelligentsia” responses within the filmmaking community in the immediate post-WW2 years. 一連三篇由「細路祥」出發的第二篇:黎肖嫻繼續探討「細路祥」化身銀幕上,成為了甚麼樣的文化資本。小孩所牽連的是一張複雜的管治的權力網。