玩具次元 Toy = Medium
Toy II Medium 玩 具 次 元 據點。句點成員聯展 : 偉 | 福權 | Andio
a group exhibition by FPC member: Wai | Fuk Kuen|Andio
展覽 | Exhibition 20 Dec 2019 - 26 Jan 2020 據點。句點 Floating Projects
A micro-metropolis of cars, robots and machines arrives in Floating Projects!

有關展覽 | About the exhibition:
Toy II Medium is an exhibition of works by three Floating Projects Collective members. We started our experimentation and exploration with toys in 2016 at the old Floating Projects site in Wong Chuk Hang. through the show Toy as Medium. This is our second toy show.
這是個投入一個車輪、馬達、波子、顏料、膠水、螺絲、塑膠、木材和金屬作素材的玩具次元。展場內的模型和試作互動裝置以現成的玩具商品作起點,隨著創作者對各種類玩具二十年或以上的興趣與想像而進化。展期間 ,創作人改做和介入這些玩具作品,更新自己的創作方向。 We busy ourselves in the midst of wheels, gears, marbles, paint, glue, screws, plastics, wood and metals, having fun in transforming them from raw materials into toys, who in turn invite us to join their play. Miniatures and models are turned into interactive prototypes, a curious update of a +20-year-old hobby invested with care and imagination. Renewal of toys. Self-renewal.
環看身邊的玩具,正慢慢變成電子遊戲和貴格精品,動手去組合和改裝的玩具可有一天全被放棄?我們把玩具媒體化和加裝科技,這可會是拓展玩具的一種出路?或許這樣會給玩具賦予藝術的形式和態度?對我們來說,玩具是藝術創作的媒介,啓發我們從 一個單元繼續往前,來到這個次元。 In an age when toys are increasingly superseded by digital video games or reduced to luxury collectibles, we cherish toys that rely on craft and manual customization. What could these ordinary toy objects become? How could we extend their playability? What are the hidden possibilities we could tap? How would these old toys transfigure when machined or digitally augmented? How does toy-making become artmaking? Are we thinking about toy as a medium, or “toy = medium”? These are the impetuses of our Toy II Medium.