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Michael Leung / ON LAND 07: Pandemic-Thinking 「在地」七:大流行的思維

Michael Leung / ON LAND 07: Pandemic-Thinking 「在地」七:大流行的思維

What is “inter-disciplinary thinking”? Michael Leung crosses the threshold: what about econolandscapes and cultural virology (Rob Wallace), plant thinking (Michael Marder), multispecies perspectives (Anna Tsing) and so on, to culminate in what is called “pandemic-thinking”?…「跨界思考」不算新鮮,卻遠遠未達日常生活的廣泛應用。梁志剛超前一步,引述近年回應「人類紀」危機而出現的學者的論述,如植物思維、多/跨物種思維、經濟景觀、文化的流行擴散…等,構成大流行的思維。

Floating Projects Collective 2025