Make For Green brings together 12 strangers to enact a community of fledging survivors of a coastal community at the edge of time, prompted by 4 sets of brief for action, initiated by Ray LC and other researchers…
MAKE FOR GREEN, conceived by FP member Ray LC with other researchers, resulted in a pop-up exhibition of participatory art works using design fiction approach to actions for climate change. Although the show is finished, Ray shares the process, rationale, and deliverables of this short exercise.
FP new member Ray LC’s two creative monographs are now available at FP’s sales corner, adding to FP’s growing list of publication which includes anthologies, small-print catalogues, online video zines and zine series. 「據點。句點」新成員羅銳的兩個小量印刷的單行本。一本是作者自行與開源的機器學習協作的詩本創作,探究私密的情感在語文句法的衍生變奏上會變成甚麼。另一本則是對環保認知普及化的回應;收集,遊說,敘事化,一個核心,多方的場景、面貌。