
Searching for tag: environmental-protection

《垃圾之書》讀後雜感 Reading birdwatcher Łubieński's account of waste catastrophe

《垃圾之書》讀後雜感 Reading birdwatcher Łubieński's account of waste catastrophe

Another anthropocene scenario, a critical reflection of our environmental consciousness through an ornithologist's observation. What can we do, FP contributor Vanessa Tsai asks. 蔡季妙看著生活環境的惡化和資源分配的傾斜,慨嘆個體的無能為力,亦為環保意識中的一些矯枉過正作出反思,她問:你想做甚麼?你願意犧牲甚麼?你能做甚麼?

12 artists / Green Yellow Blue Red… Make4Green: what we have made… 綠黃藍紅都是綠。
MAKE FOR GREEN, 4 briefs for participatory design-fiction for climate action 四個造「綠」的參與性點子
The Ventriloquists 18. Love Earth in 3 photographs 愛地球?三段循環。

The Ventriloquists 18. Love Earth in 3 photographs 愛地球?三段循環。

A set of 3 black-and-white photographs on light-boxes speaks of Harmanjeet Singh’s warning on our destruction of the world. It’s a closed circuit, the looping of disasters: personal life-style, environmental pollution, illness and viral infection, extinction of the species, the world’s future… at Ventriloquists…Thinking narratively, 4-19 July 2020. 三張黑白照,串通個人、環境、體內、疾病、地球的未來。因與果是循環。

Floating Projects Collective 2025