
Searching for tag: exis

Free Radicals: a critique of strict classification: animation experiments from Europe/US/Japan as examples 游離基 – 擺脫標籤侷限,向歐美日實驗動畫借鏡

Free Radicals: a critique of strict classification: animation experiments from Europe/US/Japan as examples 游離基 – 擺脫標籤侷限,向歐美日實驗動畫借鏡

Lee Hangjun offers a defence for experiments in the animated picture: collapse the story-documentary-experimental triad, as the 11 work (1935-2015) from Europe and Japan manifest. 首爾實驗電影及動畫節總監李幸俊 以11部歐美日作品(1935-2015)去說明擺脫「故事-紀錄-實驗」三分法的囹圄去打開動畫的可能性早有先例。

Photographic Survey: Korean experimentation of the animated picture 地域實驗 I -圖像勘測

Photographic Survey: Korean experimentation of the animated picture 地域實驗 I -圖像勘測

EXiS Program Director Hangjun Lee surveyed the contemporary scene of experimental cinema in Korea in relation to animation and its expanded forms. 「首爾實驗電影錄像節」節目總監李幸俊素描當代韓國實驗活動影像的風景,尤其與動畫和動畫的延伸的千絲萬縷。

Winnie Yan / through eyes, we wander / through hands, perhaps speak and sing 若然透過眼睛游離,以手說話唱歌

Winnie Yan / through eyes, we wander / through hands, perhaps speak and sing 若然透過眼睛游離,以手說話唱歌

FP writer Winnie Yan’s thoughts on the unique, interchangeable place of the artist’s hands and eyes, and the pro-musicial quality of moving image streams, were provoked in her visit at the EXiS 2018 while contemplating the works of montage masters such as Stan Brakhage and Robert Breer, and recently fuelled by her direct encounter with 16mm filmmaking. 「據點」作者忻慧妍遊訪首爾的實驗電影與錄像節2018,眼前眾蒙太奇大師如Stan Brakhage 和 Robert Breer 的作品,加上個人近期親身「落手」的16釐米電影拍攝經驗,勾起了各種對活動影像的迷思:手與眼的結合,影像流的近音樂性等等。

Floating Projects Collective 2025