
Author's post:

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Too Long Ago, Not Far, Winnie Yan's FPC open door solo (2023.09.16-10.08), turns the play with sight-and-sound fragments into a subjective-materialist time and space asserting a decentred subject. 《在不太遙遠的很久以前》 (據點打開門個人發表 202

Winnie Yan / Proper Nouns: Confession on ending things with “Localized Blindness” 專有名詞-以《局部失明》作結的自白

Winnie Yan / Proper Nouns: Confession on ending things with “Localized Blindness” 專有名詞-以《局部失明》作結的自白

Localized Blindness (2019-2020) is Winnie Yan’s most recently completed video work, for Manifesto 2. She spotlit the backstage of the work’s making process, performing the complex world of thoughts and emotions traversing within. 忻慧妍的《局部失明》含蓄如密碼佈陣,定睛創作的後台是另一種風景。與其說是心情和動機上的剖白,不如說是現在進行式的隨著她的思緒找發聲的調韻。聽一個人所訴之白跟看著一個人訴白,是兩個不同的經驗,都源自記錄的衝動。

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

[press release] An intimate journey with experimental animation from the US, Europe, Japan and Korea (1935-2017). In the summer kick-off of “Elemental Dynamite: Research on Intermedia Practices in Animated Pictures,” EXiS Program Director Lee Hangjun takes us through in conversations.【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。

《原格破裂》為何動畫? | 夏季 | 據點 “Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this summer

《原格破裂》為何動畫? | 夏季 | 據點 “Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this summer

【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。

YIP Kai-chun, Winnie Yan / Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (2) 無法取得位置:弦音(二)
Winnie Yan / 柔軟的齒輪 往 臺中國際動畫影展 2018 札記 Notes on TIAF 2018 (Taichung International Animation Festival)

Winnie Yan / 柔軟的齒輪 往 臺中國際動畫影展 2018 札記 Notes on TIAF 2018 (Taichung International Animation Festival)

FP Writer and Artist Winnie Yan’s glimpses of the TIAF 2018 highlights how seeing differently in animation is rooted in the technology that evolves around and generates the art form. To some animation artists, the single frame, as opposed to the shot in live action film/video, is the basic unit of experimentation, or that all innovative animation works are intermedia in nature. Either way, the persistence of vision makes our eyes unique apparatus connecting to the world of the unknown imaginary.

Winnie Yan / through eyes, we wander / through hands, perhaps speak and sing 若然透過眼睛游離,以手說話唱歌

Winnie Yan / through eyes, we wander / through hands, perhaps speak and sing 若然透過眼睛游離,以手說話唱歌

FP writer Winnie Yan’s thoughts on the unique, interchangeable place of the artist’s hands and eyes, and the pro-musicial quality of moving image streams, were provoked in her visit at the EXiS 2018 while contemplating the works of montage masters such as Stan Brakhage and Robert Breer, and recently fuelled by her direct encounter with 16mm filmmaking. 「據點」作者忻慧妍遊訪首爾的實驗電影與錄像節2018,眼前眾蒙太奇大師如Stan Brakhage 和 Robert Breer 的作品,加上個人近期親身「落手」的16釐米電影拍攝經驗,勾起了各種對活動影像的迷思:手與眼的結合,影像流的近音樂性等等。

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

A visit to Gwangju Biennale alerted FPC member Lee Kai-chung to the possibilities of doing an artist’s residency in Seoul to study archiving practices for art, which he did and shared upon his return to HK in “Can’t Live Without.” 「這次駐場計劃是基於第一次在光州雙年展後到訪過MMCA作資料搜集的經驗出發的。那時其實並不知道有駐場計劃可以申請,只是純屬對一個藝術館的好奇…」

Winnie Yan / 黑色的音符,黑色的顏料,透明的邊界:《港樂太古樂賞-波蘭動畫70年》札記
Winnie Yan / 白色的時間-往 臺中國際動畫影展 札記

Winnie Yan / 白色的時間-往 臺中國際動畫影展 札記

FP writer/editor Winnie Yan reflects on her visit to the Taichung International Animation Festival (13-17 Oct 2017) and finds “concepts and theories” less learned in class. Traversing through works across generations and continents, she asks, “What is it that makes us willing to condense our life into a short string of images?” 忻慧妍問:是什麼令我們願意把自己的生命濃縮成一小段影像呢?

Floating Projects Collective 2025