
Searching for tag: expanded-cinema

《虛遊迴路》 作品分享 - 意識的拓展,冥想與擴展影院 Meditation and expanded cinema for stretched consciousness

《虛遊迴路》 作品分享 - 意識的拓展,冥想與擴展影院 Meditation and expanded cinema for stretched consciousness

如何把新紀元論述中的「脈輪」觀念化成藝術的感知,開拓新經驗呢?這是嘗試,也可以實驗。伍昇耀於據點2023年二月份的作品就是這種嘗試的體驗,膨脹電影,由頌缽開始。這是創作者的自述。 Stanley Ng revisited the artist's narrative he wrote for his show at Floating Projects (2023.02) and rewrote it in Chinese.

CIRCUIT: Experimental Movie/Video Installation for new cognition 「虛遊迴路」:感知的拓展,冥想與非主流電影院

CIRCUIT: Experimental Movie/Video Installation for new cognition 「虛遊迴路」:感知的拓展,冥想與非主流電影院

What could expanded cinema be in the digital age when the impulses to understand multi-level consciousness could be articulated as the meeting of hardware and audio-visual data to be completed by visitors? Stanley Ng's experiment Circuit materializes all this, and further turns the installation site into that of meditation, the meeting one's selves.

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

[press release] An intimate journey with experimental animation from the US, Europe, Japan and Korea (1935-2017). In the summer kick-off of “Elemental Dynamite: Research on Intermedia Practices in Animated Pictures,” EXiS Program Director Lee Hangjun takes us through in conversations.【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。

ZENG Hong / 打開演算藝術的黑盒:《演算藝術》策展人黎肖嫻談科技為本的藝術樂園 Opening the black box: what’s in Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time

ZENG Hong / 打開演算藝術的黑盒:《演算藝術》策展人黎肖嫻談科技為本的藝術樂園 Opening the black box: what’s in Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time

Curator, scholar and contributor to HK01, ZENG Hong, interviewed Linda C.H. Lai on her attempt to bring art and the sciences together in her research-based curatorial project “Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time”…學者及《香港01》特約作者曾泓訪問《演算藝術:劃破時空》策展人黎肖嫻,談這個研究為本的計劃背後對藝術與科學對話的願景和實踐。

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

作為一個進深的影像活動研究者,張子木回顧剛完滿結束的羅海德首個個展(「文字機器創作集」第六輯),探出有別於一般影像創作的理路、胸襟。Zhang Zimu, advanced researcher of moving image events, sheds light on Hector Rodriguez’s unusual rationale, impulses, technical and theoretical approaches to moving-image making as critique, as were articulated in the first solo show he just completed for the the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.

Linda Lai / From Melodrama to Near Drama 從粵語通俗劇到微情緒的潮漲潮落

Linda Lai / From Melodrama to Near Drama 從粵語通俗劇到微情緒的潮漲潮落

黎肖嫻談粵語電影通俗劇的操作,以至吳子昆於「文字機器創作集」第6輯「象裡有象:通電作影」之《全情定位漂浮系統》(2018年9月1日開幕)的媒體分解遊戲 | notes by Linda Lai on melodrama’s nature and Kwan’s treatment in [G]Local Empathy System (opening 1 September 2018, curated by Lai), the first of a 3-exhibition series, “Cinema Expanding: Visualizing the Unseen,” the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.

Linda Lai / Levitated Potentiality: moving images at Art Central 2017 移形换步: 流動的影像
FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

9 FPC artists stretch the possibilities of the moving image — the projecting apparatus, the projected image, the moving and projecting processes, projected surfaces, how and where… 九位「據點。句點」藝術家心目中的活動影像的膨脹性、膨脹度是怎樣的?他們多方對策:投影的器具、所投的影像何來、成像的過程、展示影像的「面」…

Floating Projects Collective 2025