誰需要童話、仙境?成年人。童話用美麗的外貌包裝著似謊話非謊話又不能盡言的現實碎片。五個作品,仙境是引入,內部內裡又一個世界。圖像解構,就是為了把外貌與內涵的勾連表達出來。Fairy tales are not just for children, nor are animation pictures. The works in this post seek to reveal appearances of fairy tale that hide the flip side of magic which could be horror.
The Hand comes in from everywhere. It interrupts, commands, dominates…; it is omnipresent, irresistible, almighty, dressed and decorated nonetheless mercilessly brutal.. Such is the condition of an artist who wakes up one morning to find his normal routine totally ruled invalid. 木偶藝術小子一覺醒來,伸伸懶腰又期待著新一天的開始。怎知道一夜間世界變透了。一隻無名的手,由溫柔禮待到強權粗暴,無處不在,無孔不入。