A box confines and segregates, but it also eliminates noise and allows beams of light to focus for multiplicity. Linda Lai’s quarantine diaries #4. 隔離不一定是隔絕。黎肖嫻的隔離箱子裡瀰漫著歷史的傷痕,或是眾說紛紜,箱子聚的光可化成多焦點的行動設定。「隔離手記」四。
Reality once again confronts us with the fallacy that “history” is a subject that concerns only those studying the humanities. Researcher Vennes Cheng takes us back to a more basic question that deems history the literacy of contemporary global citizen, asking: what is the difference between historical reality and lived reality? 歷史是唸文科的人的事這想法或許有急切矯正的必要。歷史進入我們的日常知識領域,間接導引個人和社群行動的取決,或成為在位者下令的理據。退後一步,鄭秀慧問:歷史的現實與活在當下的現實有何不同?這是當代公民的基本道德素養罷。
THINK-PAD series records PhD researcher Vennes Cheng’s ongoing exploration for an alternative historiographic perspective that asserts the productiveness of histories deemed incomplete as they keep the door open for constant revision. Her objective is to revitalize our critical understanding of art in Hong Kong.