自討苦吃 I gave myself a difficult assignment...

自討苦吃 I gave myself a difficult assignment...

LAI Wai-leung 黎偉亮

LAI Wai-leung 黎偉亮

發表於: 10 Jan 2024

日期:11th Jan. – 9th Feb. 2024

Artist 創作者: Wai-leung Lai 黎偉亮

[English version after Chinese text]

’Toy as Media’ 來到第三季了,我的參展作品仍是二戰軍事模型。事實上,因視力衰退老花加深,近-兩年來已沒有新的作品,心中思量不如將舊製作拍成照片加上新的註解以敷衍了事,輕鬆完成應無疑問。過程中,無意地發現了一條隱隱約約的戰爭時間線,因模型成品所限時間線當然並不完整,卻興起了說說這一段歷史的念頭。


展覽既然以玩具作主題,playful為上,亦是 Floating Projects 的一貫作風,鉅細無遺羅列歷史事件固然過份認真並不適宜,文字過多也惹人煩厭,惟有挑選那些發生於八十多年前較為關鍵的戰役與事件作記錄,即「撮寫」。翻查舊事,Google search 當然少不了,為求精確,再跟一些已讀過的參考書作核對,這一下問題來了:要撮寫必先讀「通」,’copy & paste’ 當然不成,最勞累是必須順序地翻查每一事件的內容,衡量其重要性,以作篩選並扼要描述,最後發現事件環環相扣,那有甚麼關鍵不關鍵重要不重要。結果,像回到那遙遠的求學時代,變相地進行了一次「溫書」,順道完成了一件作品,算是無心插柳吧,卻也吃了不少苦頭。







Toy as Media is in its third season, and my exhibit is still a World War II military model. In fact, due to the deterioration of my eyesight, I have no new works in the past two years. I thought that I might as well take photos of the old works and add new annotations as a way out to complete my assignment. No doubt that is an easy approach. During the process, I accidentally discovered a vague timeline of the war. Of course, the timeline was bound to be incomplete when one simply relies on miniature models, but I thought I could grab the opportunity to talk about this period of history.


Since the theme of the exhibition is toys, playfulness is the top priority, which is also the consistent style of Floating Projects. In such a context, listing historical events in detail could be overly serious or even inappropriate; at least I wanted to avoid being wordy. My final resort, then, was to confine myself to those key battles and incidents about eighty-something years ago – to present such records along a cursory time line. Google search is of course indispensable when looking up old things. To be more precise, I cross-checked my findings with some reference books I have read. The question then arises: effective copy-and-paste presumes one has already got thorough understanding of a certain historical moment. Anyway, copy-and-paste is not good enough. I must study individual incidents in greater details, before selecting the descriptions that could amount to shedding light on their interlocking relations. This is more than the usual approach of asserting individual events’ significance. I felt I was returning to those days as a history student. Perhaps that is why my creative process matters – a self-invitation to re-encounter history and complete an art work as a side-product. The process is exhausting, and yet I completed something to show.


There is no argument that the Second World War is the most important chapter in modern history. It inherited the aftermath of the First World War (1914-1918) and established the foundation of today’s global political landscape: the formation of the United Nations, the rise of great powers, geopolitics, International partnerships, the decline of empires and the independence and dissolution of colonies, the rapid development of destructive weapons and the development of new energy sources and resource redistribution, etc. The cruelty and dishonesty of those dictators back then, the cowardice and indecisiveness of the leaders of big countries, the turmoil of small and weak countries, the tenacious will of the resisters... Today, many years later, the world is still full of chaos and there is nothing surprising. Many facts of current society are just new turning points in the long history, and what happened before will inevitably happen again. At that time, narrow patriotism and extreme nationalism, combined with the endless desire for revenge and power in human nature, created fascism and brought disaster to the whole world. Look around today, what happened back then continues: resorting to militarization in the name of rejuvenation and recovering lost power. And people still blindly worship their national leaders. In retrospect, what happened back then was already a clear warning.


Have I gone too far and digressed too much? My unintended contemplation perhaps will not amount to much fruitful discovery. However, if, in addition to leisure and fun, the words and images in my work may cause some kind of an imaginative inkling or the curiosity for better historical understanding, I would truly feel rested. Perhaps “building” models is also a way to “build” causal relations in order to question or cast doubt on them. Would this be a meaningful full-stop to my hobby of miniature model building?

(English translation by Linda C.H. LAI)

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