LOST TEXTURES at "Exit Strategies"; FPC at H Queen's in Central | 《異質地誌:褶疊待延的皇后大道》於「出。略」,句點群體在城中
March-April 2019 (17/F-15/F back stairwell, H-Queens's)
Linda Lai and the Floating Projects Collective: Kel Lok, Michelle Lee, Winnie Yan and Linda Lai
黎肖嫻 及「句點。據點」藝術群體:駱敏聰、李可穎、忻慧妍、黎肖嫻
Lost Textures, Site-specific installation, 17th-15th floor, stairwell, H Queen's, 80 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
… at "Exit Strategies" produced by David HY Chan 《異質地誌:褶疊待延的皇后大道》(2019) / 「出。略」 (陳浩揚策劃)
Linda Lai & the Floating Projects Collective presents a new commissioned work titled Lost Textures, based on collaborative research examining the vernacular histories of the neighbourhood around Queen’s Road Central. Imagery is presented in the format of a collage/relief, matching Hong Kong’s former coastlines with street maps of Hong Kong Island, along with a description of a walk through Queen’s Road Central back in 1934. Two single channel videos containing footage from an old Cantonese melodrama are also on view in order to experiment with the narratives of fragmentary posing, gestures and mannerisms.
製作原由 Archive [link]
link to ArtNotes on Floating Teatime [link]
媒體報導 Media coverage:
H Queen's | http://www.hqueens.com.hk/html/eng/exit-strategies-linda-lai.shtml 星島日報 ArtCan Sing Tao Daily-ArtCan | [link to text and video] 頭條日報 | http://hd.stheadline.com/news/daily/ls/743785/ China Daily | "Finding Art on a Path Less Trodden"