
Searching for tag: kel-lok

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

究竟是什麼原因,一段津津樂道的歷史,一個大家認為具代表性的活動,最後變成了文化遺產? What does improvization look like? Here’s an account of what happened on site at Floating Projects in the evening of 6th of May, by FPC member WONG Fuk-kuen…

Ventriloquists 2021 / 00-Narrative as processes, systems and organized randomness opening 17 August with 36 works 《腹語系。微敘思考。2021》繼續開發陳述的藝術
Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

Kel Lok / 《三毛流浪記》#七 讀後感 X, Y and Z reading the wanderings of Three Hairs #7

2020年7月,據點成員駱敏聰從黎肖嫻的手裏取來《三毛流浪記》全集的第七集,寫個自由發揮的「閱讀報告」。三毛的遭遇,在三個「問三毛」的「隨機訪談」中漠然化開了,難成合體的論述;讀故事的人卻在前台亮點。這是個有關當下香港人的非典型讀漫畫的案例。FP member Kel Lok took #7 of the story of Three Hair’s wandering to attempt a book review, which turns out to be an ensemble of personae reading the copy on a poor kid’s encounters in the war-torn years of 1930s-1940s through the lens of a contemporary person. The sensationalist… The skeptic… The indifferent one… The one making detours…

FPC members / Let me see if I can put it in words: between FP 1.0 and FP 2.0 總有一點想法:「據點。句點」1.0 與 2.0 之間
FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

9 FPC artists stretch the possibilities of the moving image — the projecting apparatus, the projected image, the moving and projecting processes, projected surfaces, how and where… 九位「據點。句點」藝術家心目中的活動影像的膨脹性、膨脹度是怎樣的?他們多方對策:投影的器具、所投的影像何來、成像的過程、展示影像的「面」…

Kel Lok / 剩物變變變…點止怪物咁簡單!From the scraps: more than monsters!

Kel Lok / 剩物變變變…點止怪物咁簡單!From the scraps: more than monsters!

Kel Lok, FP member, artist of “Toy as Medium” and workshop host for “Monster Assemblage,” shares with us the more-than-monsters created on 3 December 2016 with visitor-participants.

Kel Lok / Growing up… through the toys I made: “That Model” 如何長大:留給「未來的自己」的《那盒模型》
Andio Lai / 4WD fragments 四驅的鎖碎記憶 [“Toy as Medium” count-down]
Kel Lok / 那些玩具 Those Toys [“Toy as Medium” count-down]

Kel Lok / 那些玩具 Those Toys [“Toy as Medium” count-down]

FP member Kel Lok tells the tales of “those swords,” “those soldiers,” “that house” and “that model,” which embody moments of his life, his temperaments and his persistence that are best presented as toys in TOY AS MEDIUM, opening 20 November 2016 at Floating Projects.

Andio Lai / Toy as Medium: artistic passion, self expression and the circuits of cultural artifacts  玩具之間:(再)創造熱情、表述、聚疊…以外

Andio Lai / Toy as Medium: artistic passion, self expression and the circuits of cultural artifacts 玩具之間:(再)創造熱情、表述、聚疊…以外

A casual chat in a summer afternoon among 3 FP members ignited childhood passion and intellectual curiosity, leading to a toy show in November. “Wai and Kel’s model making involves intense concentration and techniques that parallel … art making,” Andio Lai discovers.

Floating Projects Collective 2025