
Searching for tag: evelyn-char

Everlyn Char, Yang Yeung, Eddie Cheung / Distance of Space, Materialized bodily presence: visitors’ notes 訪者絮語:文美桃彼岸之地
Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(二):韓國光州、1980…2016 Gwangju’s ACC: site of revolt transfigured

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(二):韓國光州、1980…2016 Gwangju’s ACC: site of revolt transfigured

Evelyn Char explores South Korea’s biggest state-own Asia Culture Center, which archives art historical documents from various countries in Asia. She discovers that this new national monumental sits right on the former site of the 10-day long Gwuangju (Kwangju) Uprising in 1980 (aka May 18 Democratic Uprising, UNESCO), or Gwangju Democratization Movement.

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

A deliberate dual emphasis on domestic artists and international stars, the care for documentation and criticism as regular agenda items, and growing experiments on alternative independent art-space models from within the art community… Evelyn Char notes her observation in a recent art tour to Gwangju and Seoul.

Floating Projects Collective 2025