
Searching for tag: everyday-culture

LAI Wai-leung / 不是影評。從光華迸發到日暮星沉,由舊戲「英雄本色」說起  A Better Tomorrow and beyond, not a film review

LAI Wai-leung / 不是影評。從光華迸發到日暮星沉,由舊戲「英雄本色」說起 A Better Tomorrow and beyond, not a film review

In an extended roll call of local made movies, FP writer Wai-leung Lai tells an integrated story of his history of local film viewing, an assertion of the right of a serious non-expert viewer’s voice to be heard. After, popular cinema is a specific way to connect with the ordinary people on the level of living. And after all, Readership Theories have covered much ground in film and media studies in the past 30 something years in the academia. 黎偉亮一個人睇戲的故事,追述多年來看港產片的心跡,說明了用心看戲也就是用心活著。一個用心的觀眾絕對有權在「影評」的建制圈外肯定表述的聲音。

The Ventriloquists 19. on nonsense in Svankmajer’s Jabberwocky (1971) by Steven Tsang 有關「物件」的動畫,打開怪趣無釐頭之門,打開文明歷史規範的一些「真相」

The Ventriloquists 19. on nonsense in Svankmajer’s Jabberwocky (1971) by Steven Tsang 有關「物件」的動畫,打開怪趣無釐頭之門,打開文明歷史規範的一些「真相」

An assembly line of human figures grinding human figures for food, dolls feed dolls, doll eats dolls. Ironing, flattering, being dressed, being cut up, being tamed… Beyond Svankmajer’s dramatization of carnivorous acts, Steven Tsang sees the politics of nonsense, which the animator structured against the paradigm of human civilization. The animator wants us to see differently, and asks a different sort of questions in following a narrative unique to his use of stop-motion animation. 看到喂小娃娃的大娃娃就知道是女的,看到舞動的水手裝就自動知道是男的。再看下去,人吃人,有血有肉的黑貓時不時推倒積木,一面是歷史砌圖,另一面是迷宮的路線…最終,它被鎖在籠裏動彈不得。屋子裡一個「人」也沒有,卻充滿了人類的活動。物件長年累月吸收了人類強加它們身上的「用途」、「價值」,也穿背著人類的規範,像鬼魅的模仿著我們的「正常」活動。曾俊良看到歷史、文明、性別的社會結構。能看到,因為看穿了動畫大師史文梅耶以物件為本的獨特敘事結構和跨媒想像。

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(七): 蟹緣半生  Just Around you 7: half of a life with crabs

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(七): 蟹緣半生 Just Around you 7: half of a life with crabs

To remember the crab cuisine of our city is also to remember the rise and fall of her glamour. FP writer Wai stock-took a dozen of connoisseur recipes and other popular ways to prepare crabs … 記住吃過甚麼,是記住自己存在過的一種方法。往事煙消雲散,舊物亦難再回味,FP 黎偉亮衹好挖掘記憶留下文字聊以解饞,亦算為本土飲食文化最輝煌時代留下點滴印記。十幾款蟹菜。一些消失了的名店。一些 DIY 的提示。

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 03: COVID-19 and the cooperative society 建構疾病 三:COVID-19與協作的社會

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 03: COVID-19 and the cooperative society 建構疾病 三:COVID-19與協作的社會

If a global cooperative society is essential to the combat of COVID-19, our situation is a gloomy one. Current geo-politics does not take us out of a notion-based combat strategy; and the causal mechanisms presumed by the science of epidemics require enormous financial support. 如果疾病、傳染病是「文化形態」,有個人、群體、社會機制、地緣政治、經濟能力各個多種的面向的話,又必須有超越國族為本的協力社群,為何我們每天聽到和針對的,都僅是處理個人和病毒之間的操守?

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 02: Disease and the cooperative society 建構疾病 二:疾病與親和協作的社會

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 02: Disease and the cooperative society 建構疾病 二:疾病與親和協作的社會

Germ socialism implies we are all bound together. It rests on “the utilization of the power of all for the good of all,” which results in hygiene, i.e. the science of the prevention of diseases. Hygiene presumes the causal mechanism of diseases can be uncovered. Furthermore, this disease picture presumes that nobody is safe unless everyone is safe. There is a close relation between the dominant diseases of a given period and the character and style of that period. … 「病因學」的源頭和因果機制設定意味著傳染病發生事我們同一條傳,必須親和協作,而「衛生」的實踐,就是截斷因果鏈,防止病菌病毒的蔓延。

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 01: Disease pictures 建構疾病 一:疾病的圖像

Hector Rodriguez / Framing Diseases 01: Disease pictures 建構疾病 一:疾病的圖像

In response to the expanding discursive battles of COVID-19 at the centre of new global politics, Hector Rodriguez focuses on the disease research as a discursive practice, de-mystifying lay assumptions that scientific knowledge is absolute and objective. From “disease picture” to “world picture” lies a series legitimizing mechanisms that are beyond medicine. 回應 COVID-19 所的牽連的論述戰和全球政治,羅海德博士的「建構疾病」系列針對疾病醫理研究如何建基於特定的前提,打破了外行人以為科學知識絕對而客觀的一廂情願的看法。

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(六):如果  Just around you 6: if…

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(六):如果 Just around you 6: if…

In the 6th piece of his “Just Around You” ficto-documentary series, FP writer Wai tells a familiar story often told in Hong Kong movies and TV series except that it is a real one. 黎偉亮在虛擬式記錄系列「總在你身邊」6 說了個耳熟能詳的香港邊緣人的故事,像極了電影電視橋段,只是…。「不是要寫一篇警世的文章,只想訴說人生的無奈,可憐可悲還可恨,祇能由自己決定。」

Vanessa Tsai / 不麻煩的麻煩 Saving trouble, that’s trouble…

Vanessa Tsai / 不麻煩的麻煩 Saving trouble, that’s trouble…

The sight of a wild animal turned convenient pet reminded Vanessa Tsai a questionable utilitarian attitude towards animals, and thus also self-justification in other areas of life. 蔡季妙目睹一隻狐獴成了寵物,驚覺實用功利價值為先的態度,灌滿了日常生活,扭曲了道德的邏輯性。

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 2: Do You See What I See? 「思維自說自話」2 – 你看見我所看見的嗎?

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 2: Do You See What I See? 「思維自說自話」2 – 你看見我所看見的嗎?

“Hopefully that’s not a boy’s answer.” Ryan Chung, graduated last summer with a Bachelor of Art & Science degree, allowed himself to follow what came by with utmost self-guarded curiosity. He is now a primary school teacher! In the closed laboratory of making the child for his future, he runs into a familiar boxing situation. 九個月不長也不短,卻足夠一個好奇而樂於隨機而伺的大學新鮮畢業生勘測四周。鍾樹仁沒想過會當上小學教師;面對孩童被模塑的場景,總是看到了多一點自己。例如:怎樣的答案才算是男孩的答案?何來這樣的問題?

Linda Lai / READING REPORT (2): To Zoom or not to Zoom: More Questions 「讀書報告」二:Zoom不Zoom?沒有純科技問題。

Linda Lai / READING REPORT (2): To Zoom or not to Zoom: More Questions 「讀書報告」二:Zoom不Zoom?沒有純科技問題。

有關Zoom的激烈討論至今已冷卻,如今又聽聞中學生要求罷用Zoom作網上學習。為了趕得上,黎肖嫻以這文章的上下集用自己的經驗為Zoom的爭辯寫個讀書報告。沒有純科技問題。如何活在大數據時代?Linda Chiu-han Lai follows her own footprints of using and struggling with Zoom since mid-February, and turns it into an extended reading report to situate her thoughts. This is part 2 to complete: how to live in a big data milieu?

Floating Projects Collective 2025