Wavering thought paths as collage-montage videos… Speak to the air, trust that magic is just around the corner; most importantly, to Love is to Be…#4 D-Normal/V-Essay online video zine, collected and edited by Linda Lai. 說出來吧!天大地大, 魔法就在身邊。會有人愛我嗎?這確實需要點自我勸解。… 黎肖嫻蒐集彙編,搖擺的思路發了聲。《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。
The 2nd of the three book launch events for “Our Manifestos 2: Videography, Documentary Impulse” took place on-line last night with our artists participating from the Los Angeles, London, HK and Shanghai in the form of a webinar. Zach McLane and Linda Lai had a follow-up email conversation in which Zach points out issues for further address — now published as a postscript to the webinar… 「錄像宣言2」新書發佈會2 (網絡研討會)昨晚在據點舉行,受邀參與這計劃的藝術家來自美英中港。會後 LA 的年青創作人 Zach McLane 與黎肖嫻進行了小小的電郵跟進討論,點出了未來有待深化的議題。