11 new zines created in 2023 plus more by Floating Project members and friends initiated a new phase of growing existing resources into more points of sharing. 據點對小誌文化的集體實驗,從手做書、詩話、散文,到嚴肅生活和創作議題的結集,於大館書展4月28-30日與大眾見面。
The “Prolog” of “Our Manifestos II” (2021.05) explicitly examines videography as a way of living, an attitude of life, and the quest for in-depth transformation in the midst of complex, crisis living. In the 2nd of the 5-part series, Linda Lai discusses videography as soundings, ways to voice out as crafted thought paths, the materiality of remembering as micro narratives.《我們的錄像宣言2》於「據點一杯茶」5次連載的第2篇:黎肖嫻開宗明義把錄像書寫看為一種創作人的活的型態和取向,以至於對深度轉化的渴求。如是,對錄像書寫的認知遠超狹義的藝術操守和理所當然的影像美學。這次,她提出了錄像書寫作為「發聲」的藝術的面向。「記住」,必須透過「思路」的展現,而這就是錄像的「微」敘事性格。
The 2nd of the three book launch events for “Our Manifestos 2: Videography, Documentary Impulse” took place on-line last night with our artists participating from the Los Angeles, London, HK and Shanghai in the form of a webinar. Zach McLane and Linda Lai had a follow-up email conversation in which Zach points out issues for further address — now published as a postscript to the webinar… 「錄像宣言2」新書發佈會2 (網絡研討會)昨晚在據點舉行,受邀參與這計劃的藝術家來自美英中港。會後 LA 的年青創作人 Zach McLane 與黎肖嫻進行了小小的電郵跟進討論,點出了未來有待深化的議題。
Second book launch event (in English), 28 May 2021, introduces 6 of the 49 artists in OUR MANIFESTOS 2, to give us a foretaste of the works and personal manifestos in the 365-page book to be released on 26 May 2021. They speak from the US, Europe and Hong Kong.
Zach McLane “returns” to FP with a new video work and expanded notes after his last and first visit to Hong Kong in September 2018. In renewed confidence of his own language, in words or images, Zach turned a strip of trashed 35mm film found in a backyard creek into the preserved evidence of an unknown yet concrete history. A documentary impulse of his pushed physical marks, scratches and patterning into the materialization of an absence now surfacing as perceivable forms and motions.
Zach McLane and Susan Lin, two fresh graduates from USC, visited the Floating Projects and activities associated with FP members all over Hong Kong a weekend in late September. Zach returns with a “dedication” to mark the brief moment of his trip which seems the new beginning of many things to come. And what about videography?