While deeply aware of the underlying tensions in all love relationship, fresh graduate Cher believes it’s very worthwhile to preserve and present the blissful moments of a couple, even if just for a moment. Thus started her months-long action research — photography as an event — to act out as a sonder person. 對周遭的人的感悟有多少?李祉昕以行動出發,攝影是牽動關係的探索行動,為了展出,更是為了接觸別人和自學。
Wavering thought paths as collage-montage videos… Speak to the air, trust that magic is just around the corner; most importantly, to Love is to Be…#4 D-Normal/V-Essay online video zine, collected and edited by Linda Lai. 說出來吧!天大地大, 魔法就在身邊。會有人愛我嗎?這確實需要點自我勸解。… 黎肖嫻蒐集彙編,搖擺的思路發了聲。《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。
她(黎肖嫻)寫了一首別人的情詩。已沒有話可述說愛情,只知道「想」之際自覺存在多一點。找文學對愛情的書寫,總覺女作家和男作家的視野不盡相同。沒有性別基要主義。只是好奇。想聽讀者們的回贈,讓她不落入自說自話的荒涼。Linda Lai wrote a poem contemplating the phenomenology of being in love and losing it. Great quotes from the internet were grabbed in search of the male protagonist’s voice, says she. Let’s have a conversation!