An Ancient Greek proverb says, “Society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.” If immediate profits are all that we care about, the same mainstream-Vs-independent split will repeat itself. 若要擺脫活在西歐和亞洲區的陰影下,就得重注孕育年青新一代本地獨立音樂創作人,現在就得改善土壤,為了不太近的未來。
The bedroom studio is an apt solution to cost reduction, continuous music creation, and sustainable connectivity; but what long-term impact would it have on the integrity of live performance and the underlining sense of community? 睡房式獨立音樂製作模式解決資源財力有限和跨區隔閡的問題,也是COVID-19 期間的及時雨。但有那些長遠的負面影響?