An Ancient Greek proverb says, “Society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.” If immediate profits are all that we care about, the same mainstream-Vs-independent split will repeat itself. 若要擺脫活在西歐和亞洲區的陰影下,就得重注孕育年青新一代本地獨立音樂創作人,現在就得改善土壤,為了不太近的未來。
In the 3rd of his 10-part essay, Elliott Wan accounts for 5th-generation Hidden Agenda’s encounters to profile the shape of localism this live-house project has illustrated. 從 Hidden Agenda 衍化為 This Town Needs,2008-2020 並不是香港獨立音樂的完結篇。新冠肺炎從天而降,或是另一種生機的萌發。