
Searching for tag: martha-hatch

Martha Hatch / Urban Hijack: The Reproduction of Urban Space from the Lens of the Hong Kong Art Scene 騎劫城市:從香港藝術界的角度來看被重塑的城市空間

Martha Hatch / Urban Hijack: The Reproduction of Urban Space from the Lens of the Hong Kong Art Scene 騎劫城市:從香港藝術界的角度來看被重塑的城市空間

Martha Hatch detected a shift within the art scene in some shows she visited late last year. A new form of resistance? A new way to stay alive? An attempt to preserve a Hong Kong spirit? Hatch in in her final semester researching on art and urban space for her BA graduation thesis.

The Ventriloquists 21. Coda. Highly appraised works at “The Ventriloquists…Thinking Narratively” 《腹語系》佳作選出,展覽放映研討圓滿結束。
The Ventriloquists 11. Intermedia dialogues with experimental literature: World Like Mist by YU Hua 跨媒轉化,還覺世事如煙

The Ventriloquists 11. Intermedia dialogues with experimental literature: World Like Mist by YU Hua 跨媒轉化,還覺世事如煙

Two artists read YU Hua’s novella World List Mists (1988) and translate it analytically and structurally into a pictogram form to augment textures of sentiments and narrative integrity, maximizing a fatal body of cybernetics through methods of scoring, cartography, chronology and storyboarding. 兩個圖像作品,兩個創作者對余華的《世事如煙》的轉化閱讀,呈現敘事性如何把哀愁、絕望化為結構,點對點的連線,網絡的展現,把個人的「命運」背後的人為操控層層展露。

Floating Projects Collective 2025