“Is double standard the emblem of our social reality?” — Niki Siu’s annotations on her week-long POP-UP “Laugh At Last: Gingerbread Man’s Destiny” at Floating Projects, 8-14 May 2021, the result of a half-year long thesis-art production.「雙重標準是社會現實的代表?」蕭麗琦為她的畢業論文作品作註腳,從民間流傳的故事薑餅人說起。
Quarantine fantasia… an evolving list of moving images. Linda Lai’s quarantine diaries 05. 隔離狂想。不斷連線的活動影像。黎肖嫻「隔離手記」第5篇。
Seven artists are selected winners of the various awards. The 63-work exhibition “The Ventriloquissts…Thinking Narratively” plus two screenings all completed… 《腹語系。微敘思考》63個作品的展覽及兩場放映已圓滿結束。七位創作者的作品獲獎項嘉許。
Four works on a monitor… collage, montage, still and moving. Restless assertions. Inquisitive hypothesis… 動動象。打開動畫。自言自語。若有所失。
Eight projections on a flat service… collage, montage, still and moving. Restless assertions. Inquisitive hypothesis… 動動書。一個意象接另一個意象。8個投在小桌面上的思考流,隨你參詳。
Five Ventriloquists artists show their dreamwork created with their own audio-visual language. It all lies in the crevices, fractures and gaps between shots, between locations, between actions… 夢作業是人存在的無形證據,實在處在夢象與夢象之間,在夾縫中,在虛處,在結合之間的斷裂處,是眾數的斷層。《腹語系》創作者也參與構築夢的敘事語法。