
Searching for tag: wang-chau-village

Michael Leung / Hardened and Standing Together 日子變艱難,越站在一起

Michael Leung / Hardened and Standing Together 日子變艱難,越站在一起

隨著一個月的《相遇於小誌小文學》,橫洲的居民和居所渡過了最終的清拆,土地正式地劃歸地產商的發展。展覽上有餘音,梁志剛將在「據點。句點」延續駐場直至4月14日。As “Publishing (To Find Each Other)” carried on in the month of March, Wang Chau village in Yuen Long was through its final phase of total demolition to make way for real estate developers. Many unfinished texts (writings and videos) to cover… Michael Leung’s residency at Floating Projects will take two more weeks to round up until 14 April 2021.

Michael Leung / ON LAND 12: Pre-existing Conditions 「在地」十二:既有狀況

Michael Leung / ON LAND 12: Pre-existing Conditions 「在地」十二:既有狀況

In these COVID-19 days, “underlying conditions” undermine those with chronic diseases in fighting the virus. Rather than a sheer physiological condition, Michael Leung quotes Rene Gabri: what are considered pre-existing conditions are “those imposed on people by capitalism and the state, making some more vulnerable than others (during the pandemic).” What are the possibilities of being immune not just a personal matter but a collective act?「本有」狀況?「既有」狀態?還是「固有」狀態?梁志剛在英回顧法國行程的經驗,體悟藝術家 Rene Gabri 的申述:既有狀態其實是資本主義和國家政府加諸我們身上的,其結果是有些人總比另一些人「脆弱」,例如在疫情高漲的時候。如是,「既有」的,因政策管治的上綱下達,便成了「固有」的境況。往下想,「免疫」或「免疫系統」的出現,是否可以超越「個人」層面而成為「協作」的、社區群體的?

Michael Leung / ON LAND 11: Internal Power 「在地」十一:內部能量,內化了的創傷

Michael Leung / ON LAND 11: Internal Power 「在地」十一:內部能量,內化了的創傷

Prolonged and internalized trauma yields internal power, not so much hidden as unnameable emotions, but exteriorized as solidarity, against evacuation in the name of progress, and transcending national boundaries… Hong Kong, France. Wang Chau, Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Floating Projects Collective 2025