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LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(七): 蟹緣半生  Just Around you 7: half of a life with crabs

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊(七): 蟹緣半生 Just Around you 7: half of a life with crabs

To remember the crab cuisine of our city is also to remember the rise and fall of her glamour. FP writer Wai stock-took a dozen of connoisseur recipes and other popular ways to prepare crabs … 記住吃過甚麼,是記住自己存在過的一種方法。往事煙消雲散,舊物亦難再回味,FP 黎偉亮衹好挖掘記憶留下文字聊以解饞,亦算為本土飲食文化最輝煌時代留下點滴印記。十幾款蟹菜。一些消失了的名店。一些 DIY 的提示。

Floating Projects Collective 2025