黎肖嫻《隔離手記》二。天南地北,其實都是斗室裡發放出來的微溫和希望,繼續活著。Now the second of her on-going quarantine journals, Linda Lai pushes a room of confinement into a node of connectivity. Many possible conversations.
Yeon Kyoung Lim cautions against romanticizing the independent publishing movement afforded by digitalized work flow and free social-media transmission. Keying in on the labor situation, she has experienced the collapse of work and leisure, which results in free, exploited labor in intensive micro processes of work premised on a group’s affective solidarity. Are “techniques of care” a feasible solution to the pauperization of activism? 身在「江湖」的林妍卿著我們別把數碼化工序和社交媒體平台推動的「獨立出版」浪漫化。進步的另一面的現實,是「情感化勞動」以及長時間免費的「微」工序的投入,慢慢導致維權運動的「貧化」。如果人際關係如此重要,怎樣的「關懷技術」才發揮活化的作用?