Expænsive Cinema: An FPC Production |《吹脹.影像》:據點。句點藝術群體出品
(**UPDATE**) 11 March - 2 April 29 April 2017 at Floating Projects 3月11日 至 4月2日 4月29日據點.句點打開門
Opening Hours | 開放時間: 2pm - 8pm, Closed on Mondays | 逢星期一休息
Opening Reception with the artists| 展覽開幕: 2017.03.11 (Sat 六) 5:30pm - 7:30pm (**NEW**) Artist Roundtable| 藝術家討論會: 2017.04.02 (Sun 日) 6:00pm - 8:00pm
(FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1672547546375132/ )
Participating Artists | 參展藝術家: Jess LAU Ching-wa | Andio LAI Chung-man | LAM Kin-choi | LEE Kai-chung | Kel LOK Man-chung | Bill TAM Wing-bill | WONG Fuk-kuen | Winnie YAN Wai-yin | Hugo YEUNG Ming-him 劉清華 | 黎仲民 | 林建才 | 李繼忠 | 駱敏聰 | 譚永標 | 黃福權 | 忻慧妍 | 楊鳴謙 Curators | 策展人: Bill TAM Wing-bill | Hugo YEUNG Ming-him 譚永標 | 楊鳴謙
Note from curator | 策展人的話:
《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding
Artist-run art-production site Floating Projects will open door to feature a series of alternative, inexpensive moving-image art pieces to expand our perspectives on “cinema” -- as a medium with custom-made “projection devices”, as algorithmic digital analysis of found images, and as composition exercises using pre-narrative image fragments. "Expanded Cinema" is a known historical concept. In what ways is the practice of moving image still expandable and expanding? Nine members of the FP Collective will occupy the site to state their proposition. FP's media archive, of a wide range of local experimental video works, is also available for access along with the exhibition.
由據點.句點藝術群體主辦的「吹脹.影像」展覽將於3月11日 至 4月29日在據點.句點舉行。展覽以影像、電影為題,記述句點藝術家如何用最經濟的方法去擴大和拓展活動影像的界線。 影像、電影(Cinema)的概念可返璞至只剩光、影等最基本元素,亦可膨脹至各種形式的投映行為。 從另一層面觀看,科技發展亦對媒介本身帶來質的改變。現在的藝術家對於這個捉摸不定的概念,可以再如何開拓這個範疇?九位據點成員擺出他們的想法。 同場加映:倉底錄像——遺留在攝錄機裏的實驗。據點數碼活動影像存庫 打開門...。