
Searching for tag: post-cinema

Abby Yuen / Tool-Being (2): Texture? Abstraction? It all began with my semi-analogue synthesiser  「工具在,我在」(二):抽象、質感,由造聲開始

Abby Yuen / Tool-Being (2): Texture? Abstraction? It all began with my semi-analogue synthesiser 「工具在,我在」(二):抽象、質感,由造聲開始

Second of the “tool-being'” series. What new insights would we have of our experiences if humans and tools/machines are understood as an assemblage, coming into the presence of each other to seek collaborative possibilities? Abby Yuen reveals how her abstract video of foams was the result of a sound machine she made.

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

作為一個進深的影像活動研究者,張子木回顧剛完滿結束的羅海德首個個展(「文字機器創作集」第六輯),探出有別於一般影像創作的理路、胸襟。Zhang Zimu, advanced researcher of moving image events, sheds light on Hector Rodriguez’s unusual rationale, impulses, technical and theoretical approaches to moving-image making as critique, as were articulated in the first solo show he just completed for the the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.

Floating Projects Collective 2025