
Searching for tag: experimental-documentary

Faith Monsod / Liminality & the full-stop that never came 虛界裡的游離身份,等待不會來的句號。

Faith Monsod / Liminality & the full-stop that never came 虛界裡的游離身份,等待不會來的句號。

Is there an intangible essence that might embody who we are? What positions do memories hold in forming one’s identity? Do our physical bodies suffice in representing us? How much of our sense of self relies on the reflexive process that governs our interpersonal relationships? HK-born Faith Monsod commits her graduation thesis to the quest.「我是誰」可以被理解為無形的實質嗎?例如,記憶能賦予我個人身份嗎?我的身體足以表徵我時誰?我的「自我意識」有多少是由我與別人的變動中的關係所衍生的?出生於香港的 Faith Monsod 用一個21分鐘的畢業作品去回應。

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

“Born in the later part of 97, I never got to experience Lai Yuen. For me, it is a place constructed by words and stories. … I would hear bits and pieces about the park and, somehow, it became part of my own childhood, part of my own memory.” (Pun Tsz-wai)「我出生於1997年的下半年,從未經驗過荔園是怎樣的。它是個由別人的字詞和故事合成的地方。一點一滴的聽著,荔園好像就是我自己的童年,是我個人的記憶。」– 潘子懷

Evans Chan’s ‘Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei’ 康有為二三事 (2012) & ‘Bauhinia’ 紫荊 (2002)

Evans Chan’s ‘Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei’ 康有為二三事 (2012) & ‘Bauhinia’ 紫荊 (2002)

Press Screening: Friday, 7:00pm, April 13, 2012 @ Floating Projects Collective / 放映後設有酒會。 Press Screenings of 2 works by director Evans Chan 陳耀成 《紫荊》Bauhinia (2002) Hong Kong, color, drama, in Chinese and English, with English and Chinese subtitles. 50 min. Commissioned by RTHK/香港電臺電視台邀約作品 (*Hong Kong premiere香港首映)  紐約2001 年。一位洋名為「紫荊」(李珺)的香港女留學生,正製作一部有關中國一子政策的記錄片。9/11恐怖襲擊突然發生,她剪接室的窗下是巳夷為平地的世貿中心。而她剛有了身孕…夏威夷電影節的Christopher Claxton 形容此片「泯滅了虛構與記實,創造出一個同時魘着片中人及觀眾的時空,令這不加渲染的9/11後的紐約更貼近人的生存的困境」。 In the aftermath of September 11, […]

Floating Projects Collective 2025