
Searching for tag: childhood

乾女兒的女兒 Goddaughter's daughter
Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (3): spit it out… 「大氣中融融細語」(三): 不吐不快

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (3): spit it out… 「大氣中融融細語」(三): 不吐不快

More wavering thought paths… Is remembering the same as nostalgia? What does street photography remember? Shall I be pretty, shall I be loved? What would happen to to me when I die? There are moments when you must spit it out… #4 D-Normal/V-Essay online video zine, collected and edited by Linda Lai. 記住就是懷舊了嗎?街頭攝影可記住的是甚麼?我長大後會漂亮嗎?會有人愛我嗎?我死了以後會怎樣?有些事情,確實不吐不快。… 黎肖嫻蒐集彙編,更多搖擺的思路。《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

PUN Tsz-wai / If an elephant never forgets, would it also yearn for the past that is gone? 大象可曾忘記?

“Born in the later part of 97, I never got to experience Lai Yuen. For me, it is a place constructed by words and stories. … I would hear bits and pieces about the park and, somehow, it became part of my own childhood, part of my own memory.” (Pun Tsz-wai)「我出生於1997年的下半年,從未經驗過荔園是怎樣的。它是個由別人的字詞和故事合成的地方。一點一滴的聽著,荔園好像就是我自己的童年,是我個人的記憶。」– 潘子懷

WONG Fuk-kuen / 我與彈珠人:小孩的他和三十歲的他接軌了。 B-Daman and I: once a kid, now I’m 30

WONG Fuk-kuen / 我與彈珠人:小孩的他和三十歲的他接軌了。 B-Daman and I: once a kid, now I’m 30

「我跟彈珠人有一種緣份,跨越了二十多年時間,這種特殊的喜愛也是一樣的。無論在小學,還是到現在,相比其他漫畫,這個故事情節也比較真實…。」(2017,黃福權)成年人眼中的沈溺,在一個小孩來說,或許是有他們的原因的,也可以是一生的能源的暗出口。今天的他再回顧小六時候的記憶。Wong Fuk-kuen sees a clear linkage between the young kid and the adult of himself through the marble shooting toy B-Daman. Here, he speaks of the 20-something-year attachment.

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候  Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候 Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

一個小時的飛航時間,把香港和台灣分隔成兩個歷史溯源和軌跡有交疊卻體驗不一樣的生活世界。又或者,貌不似而神似?身為小學老師的「據點」海外作者蔡季妙用今天的視野去「重訪」小時候的自己,不期然想起了教科書。Primary school teacher Vanessa Tsai, FP overseas contributor, revisits her young self through the lens of contemporary society: her primary school textbooks and experiences weigh on her massively. How is Hong Kong and Taiwan linked to and set off from one another other than the 1-hour flight that sets them apart?

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊 (九) – 起身喇! Just Around You 9: “Wakey-wakey!”

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊 (九) – 起身喇! Just Around You 9: “Wakey-wakey!”

What was life like for an ordinary kid growing up in crammed flats in public housing? Tough, but ordinary, when the notion of “poverty” was not turned into an ideology that undermines you. 1960s, 1970s. Hong Kong. FP writer Wai-leung Lai recalls… 只有最基本的資源也是日子的一種。活著總有生趣,就看你。那是當「缺乏豪華生活」未被化成統計,未被化作意識形態之前…。普通人的普通故事。

Natalie Chao / Wilderness poems #3: “Indonesia, no video”
Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories  「推」:怕怕故事

Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories 「推」:怕怕故事

Push: Scary Stories is a story about story-telling in Linda Lai’s childhood, her land of fear and fascination co-created with her Grandma before bedtime. 「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推:怕怕故事》推開了作者童年時候床頭說書的外婆伴著編織的幻想世界。這門,不過是眾多要推開的門的一道。

Jess Lau / 玩具展 – 下雨天的城堡 A Castle for the Rainy Days: toy show “Toy as Medium”

Jess Lau / 玩具展 – 下雨天的城堡 A Castle for the Rainy Days: toy show “Toy as Medium”

FP member Kelvin Lam’s “castle on rainy days” and Jess Lau’s “pirates’ boat,” “extreme environments” and “ET arriving” mark many HK children’s fantasy play with space or the lack of it. To reproduce these childhood experiences in FP WIP opening 20 Nov 2016, what are they going to show us?

LAI Wai-leung / Long Time no see: TAMIYA-Tiger 1 再度重遇「你」: 田宮「虎一」戰車 [玩具之間 “Toy as Medium” count-down]
Floating Projects Collective 2025