
Searching for tag: improvization

Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories  「推」:怕怕故事

Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories 「推」:怕怕故事

Push: Scary Stories is a story about story-telling in Linda Lai’s childhood, her land of fear and fascination co-created with her Grandma before bedtime. 「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推:怕怕故事》推開了作者童年時候床頭說書的外婆伴著編織的幻想世界。這門,不過是眾多要推開的門的一道。

Linda Lai / A certain state of mind… poems from automatic writing (1) 不假思索 – 喃喃自語(一)

Linda Lai / A certain state of mind… poems from automatic writing (1) 不假思索 – 喃喃自語(一)

Push! And a door will open. Push is a special charm to Linda Lai, a magic word she has used for several of her artworks, “PUSH Push – automatism” shares glimpses of her mind-scape, an enigmatic zone with strides of montage and poetry.「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推。推。不假思索》推開了作者某幾個時刻的紛繁思潮世界。斷、折,又絲連。是詩與蒙太奇的步履。

聚疊遊戲-在工場走後門看天空 The ‘assemblage’ game: a piece of ceiling on the floor

聚疊遊戲-在工場走後門看天空 The ‘assemblage’ game: a piece of ceiling on the floor

「據點。句點」 成立了快半年,玩了三次聚疊遊戲,以現成物作為材料去「堆砌」一個「展覽」。我想在這裡中途總結一下至今的一些浮面的潛在規則。 0。身處展場,或用你的方法去存在於此 1。只能用你在時限內得到的材料,可以是撿拾的,可以是自己帶來的,總之不要浪費金錢 2。接受同場發生的任何事,並善用它,改變它,也必需接受展出期間的任何後期聚疊(即別人後加的改變或再創作)

Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

/ Linda Lai I have been spending quite a bit of time digging up hidden waste to turn them into treasures for the Floating Projects — from my home, from my office, from my work studio… Happy to see the circulation of furniture and books and re-purposing of things accumulated through time. Last week, I […]

Floating Projects Collective 2024