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Michael Leung / ON LAND 04: Intergalactic Thinking 「在地」四:系際思維

Michael Leung / ON LAND 04: Intergalactic Thinking 「在地」四:系際思維

Michael Leung shuttles between empirical planes, intellectual horizons and concrete dwellings of diverged spatio-temporal orderings… to assert research that is multi-species, and art that is energy that runs through all realms of living. 「萬物」在梁志剛的漂流路上漸成一張網,少數邊緣的、系統與系統之間的、跨族類的都可以平放或結連。思路無邊,在無政府主義狀態到專制主義運作之間,香港的形影浮現。學術研究如何實踐系際思維?

Michael Leung / ON LAND 03: One Day We Won’t Need to Sweat (and Add Oil) 「在地」三:到那天,我們不再需要流汗(請加油)

Michael Leung / ON LAND 03: One Day We Won’t Need to Sweat (and Add Oil) 「在地」三:到那天,我們不再需要流汗(請加油)

A long journey, from the 2 years and 7 steps that firewood takes to become useful to us, to a child’s slingshot, and to the thought “We must use the methods available to us, and those I have learnt recently,” Michael Leung’s notes weave an otherly global network of peculiar relevance, entrenched on earth. 由砍樹到可燒菜取暖的柴火,兩年長的七個步驟、梁志剛的飄移體會是:「我們必須善用就在眼前已有的方法,還有剛剛學會的技巧。」創造新網絡,始於在地、留神。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 02: The Collective「在地」二:集體、群體

Michael Leung / ON LAND 02: The Collective「在地」二:集體、群體

The individuals of a collective do things together, despite their differences. “Each person is a walking directory…” 集。群。體。正因為個別的不同,個人自主受到尊重,所以,能一起前進,共負一軛,沿途照應,你是我的地圖,我是你的另一張地圖。每個人都各自是一個索引目錄。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 01: NoTAVs Everywhere 「在地」一:反高鐵馬拉松

Michael Leung / ON LAND 01: NoTAVs Everywhere 「在地」一:反高鐵馬拉松

ON LAND is a series of on-going research notes by doctoral researcher Michael Leung with “Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux” as his working thesis title. This series will start with a simple meal in the Basque Country in Spain and some noticeably repeating graffiti in Italy… “no TAV!” 梁志剛「在地」手記第一記,由一頓飯開始,英語、法語、西班牙話都好,總能溝通。…不管在那裡,只要留神,你會在交通幹線上的某處看到「no TAV!」。

Floating Projects Collective 2025