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Linda Lai / A-Chang the HK kid: Interpolating Education, Interpellating the Child 北方有三毛,南方有細路:1950 港產《細路祥》策問教育,召喚小孩

Linda Lai / A-Chang the HK kid: Interpolating Education, Interpellating the Child 北方有三毛,南方有細路:1950 港產《細路祥》策問教育,召喚小孩

In a series of 3 articles, Linda Lai shares her field notes in film studies from a Cultural Studies perspective. The first discusses the kid A-Chang (1950), a HK counter-part of Shanghai’s Three Hairs 1940s. 有關香港「細路祥」三篇連載的第一篇,黎肖嫻潛進環繞苦難中的孩子的沈甸甸而充滿矛盾的論述。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 01: NoTAVs Everywhere 「在地」一:反高鐵馬拉松

Michael Leung / ON LAND 01: NoTAVs Everywhere 「在地」一:反高鐵馬拉松

ON LAND is a series of on-going research notes by doctoral researcher Michael Leung with “Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux” as his working thesis title. This series will start with a simple meal in the Basque Country in Spain and some noticeably repeating graffiti in Italy… “no TAV!” 梁志剛「在地」手記第一記,由一頓飯開始,英語、法語、西班牙話都好,總能溝通。…不管在那裡,只要留神,你會在交通幹線上的某處看到「no TAV!」。

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

“Elemental Dynamite” kicks off this week with rare treasures

[press release] An intimate journey with experimental animation from the US, Europe, Japan and Korea (1935-2017). In the summer kick-off of “Elemental Dynamite: Research on Intermedia Practices in Animated Pictures,” EXiS Program Director Lee Hangjun takes us through in conversations.【新聞發佈】《原格破裂 – 動畫的互媒實驗綜覽》研究計劃向我們對動畫的裡所當然發出各種問題,尋求香港的本土角度,由夏季的兩場放映會和一個現場表演開始,先著眼於世界、歷史為我們留下的珍貴足跡。

Floating Projects Collective 2025