Michael Leung continues to introduce the variations of his zine-making — fiction as .an audio book. 梁志剛繼續展示他的小誌創作的不同媒體變奏 — 這回是一個原以有聲讀物現身的短編故事。
2020年7月,據點成員駱敏聰從黎肖嫻的手裏取來《三毛流浪記》全集的第七集,寫個自由發揮的「閱讀報告」。三毛的遭遇,在三個「問三毛」的「隨機訪談」中漠然化開了,難成合體的論述;讀故事的人卻在前台亮點。這是個有關當下香港人的非典型讀漫畫的案例。FP member Kel Lok took #7 of the story of Three Hair’s wandering to attempt a book review, which turns out to be an ensemble of personae reading the copy on a poor kid’s encounters in the war-torn years of 1930s-1940s through the lens of a contemporary person. The sensationalist… The skeptic… The indifferent one… The one making detours…
Is it a dream, nightmare, mind escape, or transcendent float in time-space? It takes a fictional moment to fully embody Michael Leung’s many episodes of intergalactic traversal, to regain the potency to enter a boundless performative space. 虛擬不一定是逃脫,反而是全情貫注的為跨界、跨域、跨族類的慾望賦予實質、形骸,以至可在其中遊蕩潛行,延展無邊際的演述空間。
Kai Shan in Wan Chau Village. Love in the time of resistance. A fictional story by Michael Leung. 元朗橫洲村髻山。愛在動盪不安的季節。梁志剛短篇小說。***Content warning 成年內容。