
Searching for tag: linda-lais-poetry

FP at BOOKED 24: digging treasures from the past, creating tracks for the future 大館書展2024作據點:挖寶、於當下立竿、為前路畫線
Linda Lai / Montage is performance… 潛行:一次分秒秩進的蒙太奇

Linda Lai / Montage is performance… 潛行:一次分秒秩進的蒙太奇

A videographer (Linda Lai) and a artist working on drawings (Jansen Law) in dialogue… The language of montage is invoked, contemplating time… The piece was Linda Lai’s spontaneous response to a few draft drawings Jamsen Law sent her, all from Law’s solo show, “No Details, Not Whole,” at Lumenvisum in September 2016.

Linda Lai / Temporal Being. Writing as performance. Unfolding and refolding the singular.

Linda Lai / Temporal Being. Writing as performance. Unfolding and refolding the singular.

The inter-play of present and past tense is deliberate in contemplating the nature of memory — the fixing of attention onto nit-bits of the chaotic ocean of the past. I am also influenced by moving image creation — every work being the negotiation between the present continuous of the camera at work and the “already-past” of its articulation. 現在進行式與過去式時態的交替共用是「不假思索」法」而來的必然對策,也是現象學的意識論的創作性延伸,在猶如汪洋大海混沌波濤翻滾的「過去」投擲零星的關注點,構成接點的「回憶」,以至構成可被陳述的「經驗」。

Linda Lai / 方寸之間。氣流。你在牆上留了個暗號。Love in the Time of COVID-19. You’ve left a mark at the foot of the wall. (a poem)

Linda Lai / 方寸之間。氣流。你在牆上留了個暗號。Love in the Time of COVID-19. You’ve left a mark at the foot of the wall. (a poem)

她(黎肖嫻)寫了一首別人的情詩。已沒有話可述說愛情,只知道「想」之際自覺存在多一點。找文學對愛情的書寫,總覺女作家和男作家的視野不盡相同。沒有性別基要主義。只是好奇。想聽讀者們的回贈,讓她不落入自說自話的荒涼。Linda Lai wrote a poem contemplating the phenomenology of being in love and losing it. Great quotes from the internet were grabbed in search of the male protagonist’s voice, says she. Let’s have a conversation!

Linda Lai / remembering a free flâneuse, Joey Luk, a poem 讀了好些有關你的,懷緬的詩,給漫遊者。

Linda Lai / remembering a free flâneuse, Joey Luk, a poem 讀了好些有關你的,懷緬的詩,給漫遊者。

Permanent youthfulness — a thought of no comfort at all! No certainty about the words I have, but those moments spent with Joey, a lasting imprint. Combining Joey’s writings she had shared in class with faint, ineffectual words I could barely utter, I post this buried poem today as a ritualist container for infinite nothingness. 這首詩是由我的文字和陸姵妏生前在我的文字創作工作坊裏分享過的作業的片段混合而成的。在黃花綠影之間虛實無分,是一個人?兩個人?多少種心情?精神思想記憶都漫飛無涯,涓湧成氣。除此,我對她的思念無以啟齒。十七年過去了,比我先行的學生還有幾個。…我總是為過去了的人寫詩。懷緬詩注定就是跟死亡手牽手的。奈何。

Floating Projects Collective 2025