
Searching for tag: performative-subjectivities

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

The Past or the Present: on the Exhibition “Mending Years” 昨天還是今天 - 《縫補歲月》展覽

[Mending Years 縫補歲月] Curator Ying-chi Tang sees the present in the 5 stories of the past that harp back onto the 1960s-1970s, arguing that the public and domestic are integrally one, as the artists in the group show present. 策展人鄧凝姿眼中的「縫補歲月」不單是上世紀的六七十年代,也是構成今天的一部份;透過五位創作者的視野,她看見公共領域和家居細活之間的千絲萬縷。

One Take, many iterations (2000-2020), the morphing life of a moment 一鏡到底:迭代延綿(2000-2020)

One Take, many iterations (2000-2020), the morphing life of a moment 一鏡到底:迭代延綿(2000-2020)

Between 2000 and 2020, a 6'38" single-take video footage has been turned into a generative series of art moments crossing artistic genres -- from videography, vocalization, sound collage, performance, sound sculpture, back to videography -- all manifesting automatism as a principle, and improvization as a main artistic method. Only the maker Linda Lai herself could elaborate on this secret history of emergence.

Linda Lai for FP / Fresh videos, in-depth transformation: 3 thoughtfully crafted journeys of the selves 三種深度轉化:三段不一的旅程

Linda Lai for FP / Fresh videos, in-depth transformation: 3 thoughtfully crafted journeys of the selves 三種深度轉化:三段不一的旅程

19 June 2021 六月十九日. Three video essays on living through time with one’s bodily presence. Tracey Ngai acts out her retrospection. Faith Monsod turns image objects into a passage to the infinite liminal. Pun Tsz-wai’s past resides in media artefacts and urban legends. Three fresh videos completed in May 2021, premiered at Floating Projects. 三個今年五月新鮮出爐的錄像文章。據點首次亮相。記憶是甚麼?我是誰?我的根是甚麼?用身體的實存與行動。魏芷軍演述;潘子懷在都市神話中設置自己;Faith Monsod 的主體盡在可翻開可啄蘑的聲影碎片中。

Floating Projects Collective 2025