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ZENG Hong / 打開演算藝術的黑盒:《演算藝術》策展人黎肖嫻談科技為本的藝術樂園 Opening the black box: what’s in Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time

ZENG Hong / 打開演算藝術的黑盒:《演算藝術》策展人黎肖嫻談科技為本的藝術樂園 Opening the black box: what’s in Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time

Curator, scholar and contributor to HK01, ZENG Hong, interviewed Linda C.H. Lai on her attempt to bring art and the sciences together in her research-based curatorial project “Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time”…學者及《香港01》特約作者曾泓訪問《演算藝術:劃破時空》策展人黎肖嫻,談這個研究為本的計劃背後對藝術與科學對話的願景和實踐。

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

作為一個進深的影像活動研究者,張子木回顧剛完滿結束的羅海德首個個展(「文字機器創作集」第六輯),探出有別於一般影像創作的理路、胸襟。Zhang Zimu, advanced researcher of moving image events, sheds light on Hector Rodriguez’s unusual rationale, impulses, technical and theoretical approaches to moving-image making as critique, as were articulated in the first solo show he just completed for the the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.

Linda Lai / From Melodrama to Near Drama 從粵語通俗劇到微情緒的潮漲潮落

Linda Lai / From Melodrama to Near Drama 從粵語通俗劇到微情緒的潮漲潮落

黎肖嫻談粵語電影通俗劇的操作,以至吳子昆於「文字機器創作集」第6輯「象裡有象:通電作影」之《全情定位漂浮系統》(2018年9月1日開幕)的媒體分解遊戲 | notes by Linda Lai on melodrama’s nature and Kwan’s treatment in [G]Local Empathy System (opening 1 September 2018, curated by Lai), the first of a 3-exhibition series, “Cinema Expanding: Visualizing the Unseen,” the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.

CHEUK Wing-nam /「觸不感」觸及我創作的靈感技術資源以至藝術界別的區分
Floating Projects Collective 2025