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Money Supply: 4 episodes 貨幣供應:四種座標

Money Supply: 4 episodes 貨幣供應:四種座標

“Money Supply” 《貨幣供應》 a show by Yasmine Huang, opened on a quiet Saturday on 11 May, to explore how art and social criticism may work together. The opening gathered a dozen of spontaneous visitors who readily turned her concern into ramifications of many burning questions of art beyond politics. 《貨幣供應》在晴朗溫煦的週末黃昏開幕,黃安瀾的四組作品是她對藝術創作與息息相關的生活、經濟課題可以如何銜接的策問,由研究出發,招引到場的來訪者恰巧都興致勃勃,把眼前的作品打開,引發各種與創作有關的閒談。

ZENG Hong / 打開演算藝術的黑盒:《演算藝術》策展人黎肖嫻談科技為本的藝術樂園 Opening the black box: what’s in Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time

ZENG Hong / 打開演算藝術的黑盒:《演算藝術》策展人黎肖嫻談科技為本的藝術樂園 Opening the black box: what’s in Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time

Curator, scholar and contributor to HK01, ZENG Hong, interviewed Linda C.H. Lai on her attempt to bring art and the sciences together in her research-based curatorial project “Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time”…學者及《香港01》特約作者曾泓訪問《演算藝術:劃破時空》策展人黎肖嫻,談這個研究為本的計劃背後對藝術與科學對話的願景和實踐。

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

ZHANG Zimu /「歧路結節,開合解密」, 談羅海德個展 A review of Hector Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology”

作為一個進深的影像活動研究者,張子木回顧剛完滿結束的羅海德首個個展(「文字機器創作集」第六輯),探出有別於一般影像創作的理路、胸襟。Zhang Zimu, advanced researcher of moving image events, sheds light on Hector Rodriguez’s unusual rationale, impulses, technical and theoretical approaches to moving-image making as critique, as were articulated in the first solo show he just completed for the the Writing Machine Collective 6th edition.

Song Zheng / 我該如何讓你明白 L’avventura: Autistic Dialogues

Song Zheng / 我該如何讓你明白 L’avventura: Autistic Dialogues

Song Zheng makes sense of Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni's L’avventura [The Adventure 奇遇] (1960 / Italy / 143 min / b&w / 1:78). What is forgiveness? Does it always bring peace?

Floating Projects Collective 2025