“Is double standard the emblem of our social reality?” — Niki Siu’s annotations on her week-long POP-UP “Laugh At Last: Gingerbread Man’s Destiny” at Floating Projects, 8-14 May 2021, the result of a half-year long thesis-art production.「雙重標準是社會現實的代表?」蕭麗琦為她的畢業論文作品作註腳,從民間流傳的故事薑餅人說起。
20 + 4 works on quarantine, isolation and (un)wavering thought path VOICES FROM THE ATMOSPHERE, issue #4, D-Normal V-Essay, , FP’s online video zine 「大氣中融融細語」,《平地數碼》網上錄像誌第4期。20+1 段關於隔離、獨思獨處的,堅定也搖擺的影像思路。