Assemblage at Floating Projects (FP Assemblage) started with two personal stories. Initiation of the Assemblage events are documented here in writing, on 14 July 2015, on the eve of FP1.0’s Grand Opening… (this version: updated May 2022 for D-Normal/V-Essay issue 5)
La Casa 3: The Apartments records a series of apartments, from Manhattan to different parts of Hong Kong, where the artist and her partner took abode. A 18-minute exercise of the mind’s power to remember, from the most material to the unspeakable… 如何說自己的居所?只想為生活的內部節奏留些可歌可譜的痕跡,核心是白日的失神、晚間的夢魘、錯置、不明所以,走一步就是一步。作品,就在表達與木訥之間進行了一次18分鐘裹藏著的念力。