To fill in the almost unconquerable blank spaces of her grand parents' days through the 1960s-80s, Winsome Wong asked her father to write what he remembers, a precious piece to add to the puzzles of Hong Kong's so-calle “golden age” of manufacturing industries. 為了填補照片和家常對話所留下的空白,黃慧心發現最好的下一步是請當年寫文章了得的父親去紀錄他的父母親的軼事,呈現的不單是她祖母模糊不解的過去,更是香港上世紀六十到八十年代小市民掙扎著活下去的面貌的清晰碎片。
Space-action-interpretation. Cluster-distribution. Network-dispersion. Three locales. Distanced intimacy. Past is the present. FPC member Winsome Wong’s first solo at the Floating Projects. 以空間實作為演繹。簇的分配成為延散的網路。三種實地,遙遠的扣緊。從前就在當下。「據點。句點」成員黃慧心首度據點打開門。
Speaking through faint old objects, FP Manager/writer Wai-leung Lai re-experienced his past as a precarious future as he packed up the public estate flat where he grew up. 與母親收拾細軟之際,據點作者黎偉亮鑽進這個她守望了半個世紀的公屋小宅,順道借舊物說說往事一二,比比今昔。從昏黃細物中,他看見了似近實遠、隱而即現的「未來」。
La Casa 3: The Apartments records a series of apartments, from Manhattan to different parts of Hong Kong, where the artist and her partner took abode. A 18-minute exercise of the mind’s power to remember, from the most material to the unspeakable… 如何說自己的居所?只想為生活的內部節奏留些可歌可譜的痕跡,核心是白日的失神、晚間的夢魘、錯置、不明所以,走一步就是一步。作品,就在表達與木訥之間進行了一次18分鐘裹藏著的念力。
眼前的一切像多年的堆積,與之共存的是看不見的已被拆毀的家族過去的小節的餘韻。說到家族,也不是家國大族的堂煌,而是一張具體的網,連接、輸送、維繫,有個物理的據點。據點藝術家劉清華的「田野」訪談,拖出了「生存」的問題。如何活?我們如何從過去走到當下?過去的可以延伸下去,因為我們記得,而且還(用方法)記住。A community art project opens the door to a street of rich family stories in To Kwa Wan (Kowloon) for FP artist Jess Lau, thus also an old family story she has not dared to touch until now. Unlike tycoon stories of a growing empire, ordinary family stories are full of “holes” irreparable yet holding together those who refuse to forget.
FPC dialogues… Jess Lau wrote a poem and shared it with Linda Lai, who wrote a poem in response. The exchange develops into that of images. 劉清華隨心寫了一首詩,分享了給黎肖嫻。黎回了另一首詩。後來這個對話由文字推至圖像。
Quotidian Diversions – Kin-choi Lam’s drawing series on HK to launch on Floating Teatime’s “Personally Speaking” 4 June 2020: 6 groups of drawings in 6 weeks on Thursdays 林建才手繪連載:「流水革命10月天」六月四日起每周四連載共六輯。
In the 5th piece of his “Just Around You” series, FP writer/manager Wai delivers a self-dialogue through two fictional characters… How to live with hope and what hope is in store?「總在你身邊」要說的是這個地方普通人的故事,其中人物的名字或故事情節容或杜撰,但角色的處境及遭遇皆為我所知所遇所見所聞,志在刻劃現實。系列的第五篇有如一個人的一個「我 」和自己的另一個「我」在聊天,在這個城市最艱辛的一年給自己加把勁。
To FP writer Lai Wai-leung, what has played out in HK’s public space in June and July is no isolated drama. 歷史的緣由,這個地方的人口從來埋藏著一條思想鴻溝 …。
“This night, no dawn…,” FP writer W.L. Lai ruminates and asks, “What was it that took these young people to the street on a day when they could have been drinking, eating and fun-making?” 這一夜,看不到黎明 / 黎偉亮