
Searching for tag: image-writing

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Yan Wai-yin: Too Long Ago, Not Far 忻慧姸:《在不太遙遠的很久以前》

Too Long Ago, Not Far, Winnie Yan's FPC open door solo (2023.09.16-10.08), turns the play with sight-and-sound fragments into a subjective-materialist time and space asserting a decentred subject. 《在不太遙遠的很久以前》 (據點打開門個人發表 202

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (六) –《雲彩》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 6: “painted clouds.“ Text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (六) –《雲彩》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 6: “painted clouds.“ Text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong shows us a certain inquisitive state of mind. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,是尋問的現在進行式。

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (五) –《漩渦》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 5: “Whirlpool.“ Text-image dialogs.

Cherie Wong / 我的夢碎片 (五) –《漩渦》。圖文對話 My dream fragments 5: “Whirlpool.“ Text-image dialogs.

From her pool of automatic drawings turned wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong goes round and round in circles. An endless journey. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,太空無邊際,峰迴路轉卻有軌跡。

Linda Lai / Montage is performance… 潛行:一次分秒秩進的蒙太奇

Linda Lai / Montage is performance… 潛行:一次分秒秩進的蒙太奇

A videographer (Linda Lai) and a artist working on drawings (Jansen Law) in dialogue… The language of montage is invoked, contemplating time… The piece was Linda Lai’s spontaneous response to a few draft drawings Jamsen Law sent her, all from Law’s solo show, “No Details, Not Whole,” at Lumenvisum in September 2016.

Cherie Wong / My dream fragments 2: 2 automatic image-text shorties 我的夢碎片 (二): 兩則不假思索的圖文短話

Cherie Wong / My dream fragments 2: 2 automatic image-text shorties 我的夢碎片 (二): 兩則不假思索的圖文短話

From her 100 “fragments of fragmentary thoughts” inscribed onto painted wood pieces, Cherie Wong randomly picked two and started to open up their secrets. Cherie Wong 從她 100多塊「一個人的碎碎念」中隨機直覺的抽出兩小片來,打開它們隱藏的話匣子,聽它們娓娓道來。

Simone Dompeyre / No Paths but My Footprints. Image-writing from a Distance.

Simone Dompeyre / No Paths but My Footprints. Image-writing from a Distance.

Traverse Video’s Festival Director Simone Dompeyre reviewed Linda Lai’s video works presented in March 2019 at the Festival. Three videos are in discussion: No Paths but My Footprints, Diaries – ‘Dry rain’ and Doors Medley. Caroline Ha Thuc translated this piece published in French in the festival catalogue into English.

Floating Projects Collective 2025