Ideas Blossom on Contemporary Living: Floating Projects @ BOOKED 2023, Taikwun 思緒的聚疊:「據點」小誌天南地北。大館書展2023

Ideas Blossom on Contemporary Living: Floating Projects @ BOOKED 2023, Taikwun 思緒的聚疊:「據點」小誌天南地北。大館書展2023


據點群體對小誌文化的集體實驗,從手做書、詩話、散文,到嚴肅生活和創作議題的結集,擺脫正統出版的種種關卡,為了快、輕、準,而不失質素的維護。於大館書展4月28-30日與大眾見面,除了過往的出版,如兩輯的錄像宣言,實驗式展覽的記述之外,這一回合我們特別推薦 11 個新出爐的作品,不少是「據點一杯茶」作者的重寫,強調創作的衍生和延伸性,以至「暫定性」作為正面的能動力。這也算是完成了「據點3.0」(2021-2023)未完的夢,也為未來「據點4.0」(2023-202x)探路。


11 new zines created in 2023 plus more by Floating Project members and friends initiated a new phase of growing existing resources into more contact points of sharing thoughts and experiences as Floating Projects round off our phase 3.0. Zines offer the flexibility of speaking on the spot, instantaneous distribution and readership, and tentative sharing to seek potential revisions, which are all marks of a dynamic collective.




Following our principle of conservation and an artistic principle of generative iterations, the new zines are readily adapted from our over 10-year-old online writing platform, now known as the Floating Teatime. From blog posts to print-form zines, all artist-writers went through at least one more another round of re-writing, awaiting more necessary rewriting in the next “lives” of their work. They include Lilian Fu's thoughts on animation's unique documentary function as a practitioner of the animated documentary, Zach McLane on Linda Lai's “One Take” multiple-media series, Wai-leung Lai's collection of proses and short stories on growing up in Hong Kong, Hector Rodriguez's reflection series (1-5) on the pandemic and diseases now revised and expanded to argue how analytic frames are not just academic exercises, but ways to gain closer knowledge of how we make decisions about our bodies. Linda C.H. Lai also harps back onto her automatic poetry works and some of her writings on the video essay in connection to our documentary impulses.


Contemporary living could only be reflected upon through documentation of thoughts, a writing process for clarification and re-invention, and a material form that can be handed down to incite conversations. FP friend Elaine Wong put together visual fragments that speak of her creative history and the present state of mind, divergently. FP member Winsome Wong harps back onto her photographic journeys and her recent exhibitions on Lorna her mother; Fuk-kuen Wong shares his moments in writing while traveling, and Dory Cheng an image-text collage of her recent artist residency in Indonesia after her 50-day stay at Documenta 15 (2022).


As we created our inventory list, we were also amazed at the slow but sure growth of our publication effort, from the two editions of our “video manifestos” to Ray LC's fiction/non-fiction illustrated writings on GPT and climate change public education, and the numerous unique exhibition catalogues on art and curatorial experiments. We have also included Jess Lau and Kin-choi Lam's illustrated stories on local and global cultures.


Floating Projects at BOOKED 2023:

Selections from Floating Teatime (Floating Projects’ online writing platform) 2023

Animator on Animation 動畫創作人談動畫: 動畫作為記憶的技術

Lilian Fu 傅詠恩 / 2023

size: A5, 34 pages 13 copies at BOOKED


An animator discusses the animated documentary as a unique form of artistic experiment and mnemonic technics, illustrated by many examples 



Two writer-videographers in dialogue: 

Zach MacLaneLinda C.H. Lai / 2023

13+13 pages, handmade book in two versions / 16 copies at BOOKED

 Two artist-writers enter a dialogue. MacLane saw Lai’s One Take: Manifolds (2020) and was reminded of waiting as a state of being. Lai opened the many iterations of One Take, its many forms and iterations, the secret of automatism and generative evolvement… 

Sand Settling On Sand 

Linda C.H. Lai 黎肖嫻 / 2021

Size: F6, 6 copies left in stock

 A poetry collection: passage of time, time as space, traveling, automatic writing collage, writing as performance… 

Sand Adrift: Correspondences (between prose and poetry) 

Linda C.H. Lai 黎肖嫻 / 2023

28 handmade books, F6; copies signed by the artist each with a different hand-written note

 Personal poems + prose & poems written for/on other artists’ works, including HON Chi-fun, CHOI Yan-chi, Jamsen Law and Jess Lau; image-text automatic writing exchange with Jess Lau, Joey Luk and Theresa Mikuriya 

My Quarantine Diaries

Linda C.H. Lai 黎肖嫻 / 2023

A5 size, 48 pages | 21 copies at BOOKED

 A 21-day quarantine hotel confinement in 2021 evolves into a vast universe of moving images, material presences, everyday politics, thought paths and histories, reaching back to over 65 million years… 


Notes on the Video Essay

Linda C.H. Lai 黎肖嫻 / 2023

2 versions: 72 pages (bigger fonts), 68 pages (smaller fonts), handmade cover with artist’s collage. 19 copies at BOOKED

 The essay film was of the avant-garde cinema tradition. The video essay, understood with a media archaeological perspective, underlines the desire to know, speak, share and remember, by any who picks up the tool to speak. What can the video essay be for contemporary society?  


Hector Rodriguez 羅海德 / 2023

A5 size, 72 pages. 15 copies at BOOKED

 Media artist-theorist Hector Rodriguez responded to the recent pandemic by reflecting on our conception of disease and the meaning of the “event” and its relation to societies of control. [original posts] (Chinese summary-introduction by Linda Lai) 


LAI Wai-leung 黎偉亮 / 2023

Pocket size: 156 Pages

5 copies at BOOKED


7 essays + 5 short stories: growing up in Hong Kong and its everyday ness since the 1970s… 




Floating Projects Members and Friends’ art documentation


Lorna in the House 2016

Winsome Wong 黃慧心 / 2023

102 pages, photo album  
handmade, 25 copies at BOOKED

 photo book of Lorna in her  fashion at home  taken in 2016 

a continuation of The Rite of Passing by: I didn’t see them but I saw them  
Winsome Wong 黃慧心 / 2023

Handmade, 5 copies at BOOKED

 As the continuation of her previous photography installation work The Rite of Passing by: I didn’t see them but I saw them, (?) are handmade photo books of photos of abandoned household objects Winsome Wong captured around  her neighborhood since 2017. The images are placed in different second hand or unwanted books, the sequence and images would be decided based on the content of the books they are placed in. 

Annotation (Movement)

Elaine Wong 黃淑賢 / 2023

Size: ~A5, 30-40 pages

Edition: 20 copies at BOOKED. Handmade

 A collection of loose-inserts (30-40 pages) in various sizes with hand-made / ready-made document pouch  


Dory Cheng 鄭多莉 / 2023

68 pages

20 copies at BOOKED

 “"SATU DUA TIGA" means one, two, and three in Indonesian, which is the vocabulary I often use when shooting.” Documentary Photo Book produced at the residency program of Hysteria, Tambakrejo, Semarang, Indonesia in 2022. 


Fuk-kuen Wong 黃福權

16 copies at BOOKED


Travel notes.

Traveling is a unique temporal experience.


Limited stock: Floating Breadcrumbs

YAN Wai-yin Winnie (ed.) and the Floating Projects Collective

handmade copies



Poems and essays by  members of the Floating Projects Collectives



Previously published and distributed by Floating Projects 

Videography. Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifestos

Videography, Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifestos. 《我們的錄像宣言:微敘事。 存在的時間書寫。》

Linda Lai, Dorothy Wong, Gloria Shum, CHAN Siu-lung (eds.) / 2018

140 pages with video works on DVD

Video Manifestos I – 8 artists (The Manifesto Tam, 2015-201

Our Manifestos II: Videography, Document | lam-wing-sze

Our Manifestos II: Videography: Documentary Impulses 


Linda Lai, Elaine Wong, Winsome Wong, Emilie Choi (eds.) / 2021

365 pages + scan disk w/ 60 video works

Video Manifestos 2 – 48 artists

C:\Users\smllai\Downloads\AlgorithmicArt_catalog-cover1.JPGAlgorithmic Art: Shuffling Space and Time  / Linda Lai (researcher, editor) / 2019 / 184 pages / Proceedings of a curatorial experiment with a media-archaeological lens, to seek possible dialogues between  the arts, sciences and the humanities, to commemorate the  School of Creative Media’s 20 years, City Hall, with 13 artist groups. Documentation of each work is followed by Lai’s research notes and diagrams.

Return Flight MEL ← → HKG

various Floating Projects artists with artists/writers from Melbourne / 2008

an image-text exchange inscribing our traces of living across two cities. Proceedings for a bilateral show.

C:\Users\smllai\Downloads\Copy of bookcover2.jpg

Cryptoglyph: Dialogues in Many Tongues in the Hidden Crevices of an Open City 《象文。文象》/ Linda Lai, Theresa Junko Mikuriya / 2004, 284 pages

2 artists played an 8-round image-&-text game, exploring the materiality of our urban space, bodily presence, human-tool co-agency and spatial-temporal articulation, via automatism.


The Ventriloquists: Thinking narratively 《腹語系:微敘思考》

Linda Lai (ed.) + Kel Lok (producer) and numerous artists / 2020 / 120 pages / Proceedings of a group show on moving image thought paths and analysis of narrative works visualized as pictograms, 60 works, curated by Linda Lai



Ray LC +  GPT-2 / 2021

A palatable persuasion for climate change action in the form of a comic book of personal stories, highlighting the narrative strategy in showing data of climate change.

C:\Users\smllai\Downloads\Imitations-of-Immortality-600x500.jpgIMITATIONS OF IMMORTALITY : IMITATIONS OF IMMORTALITY  
/ Ray LC +  GPT-2  / 2021, 60 pages / 2 sets of variations in deep structure of classic poems of diverse forms and themes, written by RAY LC and by GPT-2 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2), an open-source AI machine-learning text generation model (OpenAI, February 2019).


Consigned by Artist-Illustrator Kin-choi Lam

Nomads: Life on the Move 《遊牧生活在旅途中》

Kin-choi Lam 林建才 / 2022



Kin-choi Lam 林建才



Kin-choi Lam 林建才Jess Lau 劉清華



Kin-choi Lam 林建才., Jess Lau 劉清華 







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