
Searching for tag: critical-enquiry

Ideas Blossom on Contemporary Living: Floating Projects @ BOOKED 2023, Taikwun 思緒的聚疊:「據點」小誌天南地北。大館書展2023
Money Supply: 4 episodes 貨幣供應:四種座標

Money Supply: 4 episodes 貨幣供應:四種座標

“Money Supply” 《貨幣供應》 a show by Yasmine Huang, opened on a quiet Saturday on 11 May, to explore how art and social criticism may work together. The opening gathered a dozen of spontaneous visitors who readily turned her concern into ramifications of many burning questions of art beyond politics. 《貨幣供應》在晴朗溫煦的週末黃昏開幕,黃安瀾的四組作品是她對藝術創作與息息相關的生活、經濟課題可以如何銜接的策問,由研究出發,招引到場的來訪者恰巧都興致勃勃,把眼前的作品打開,引發各種與創作有關的閒談。

Linda Lai / Code Name “Micro Narratives”: initiations into our Manifestos 行動代號「微敘事」。宣言的啟動。
Don Tsang / 寫給會去看我鮮浪潮的人 To those who went and may come to see my video “Morning” at Fresh Wave 2017

Don Tsang / 寫給會去看我鮮浪潮的人 To those who went and may come to see my video “Morning” at Fresh Wave 2017

To those who have watched his apparently uneventful video Morning screened at the recent Fresh Wave 2017, Don Tsang unravels the “thick and dense” thoughts underlying the work. 曾旭熙說《無念》:平淡的家常”細藝”背後的密集思考…

Linda Lai / A constellation with dotted connectivity: why I made a dispersive monument
WONG Chun-hoi /《十年》,二十日後感  Ten Years
Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 2)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 2)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 ** this version is slightly amended for internet publication. Various reasons and methodologies in animation documentary CASE STUDIES Animation is an art, a stance, a record of psychological and emotional memory, a technique, a concept. ~ Paul Well (1) Animation, like paintings and drawings, was once conceived as a pale representation of […]

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 1)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 1)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 **This article is originated from parts of my MA degree graduation dissertation. A general exploration of documentary theories In recent years, the border between documentary and fiction films has been growing more difficult to be distinguished. Suggested by Linda Williams, the new definition of documentary films is no longer focused […]

Linda Lai / The Signature of Documentary – thoughts from Open City London Documentary Festival 2011

Linda Lai / The Signature of Documentary – thoughts from Open City London Documentary Festival 2011

To Linda C.H. LAI, documentary is a total event that cannot be fully considered without taking into account the intention of the maker, relation between the maker and the documented, the use of the work in its life-span of distribution and circulation, the conversations it invokes, and ...

Elliot Leung / Talking head questions: inductive and interdisciplinary
Floating Projects Collective 2025